Transfer students-Anyone heard yet?

<p>@JxmAggie…It was a really long letter basically just saying that they thank me for submitting everything, but they have denied me for the fall 2012 semester and to apply again for the next semester. The college I applied to was Engineering.</p>

<p>@cheerchick1231 I’m sorry :confused: That college is super hard to get into, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Are you going to reapply for spring semester 2013?</p>

<p>@jkb2011 - I am applying to the college of education for Technology Management and am still on step 3. I sent my stuff in 05/16, they didn’t process until 06/06, so it has been over a week! What about you? Have you heard of anyone else trying to get in there…?</p>

<p>@cheerchick1231 - don’t give up! You’ll end up where you are supposed to be! Good luck if you try again to transfer for the spring!</p>

<p>I am the parent of a son trying to transfer from Blinn into College of Education/Kinesiology. I don’t know of any others trying to transfer into that college. The ones I have seen admitted are Liberal Arts majors mostly. So could it be the College of Education hasn’t finished reviewing? He has been in review same day as you and still on Step 3. Are you Blinn Team? or transferring from Blinn or another college? Will you be a Sophmore or Junior? I guess what I am trying to figure out is…are they accepting mostly Blinn team or students with more hours and higher gpa’s? </p>

<p>cheerchick…we know what you are going through.</p>

<p>I think it is probably that they haven’t finished reviewing. I am not Blinn Team, I am coming from Lone Star College. I will be a junior. I have 60+ credit hours, but I’m on the lower end of the GPA scale with a 3.2. However, I’m a non-traditional student, so I’m probably not in the same category as your son. I’m trying to transfer into Technology Management. The prospective student center advisor said it is pretty easy to get in if you have the math + science credits, and above a 3.0. Hopefully that holds up! I guess we’ll know sometime soon? I read online that we have to sign up for new student conferences by July 1, 2012 - so they have to be getting those decisions out before then?</p>

<p>He is not Blinn team either. He just spent Freshman year at Blinn. We hope it is that they are not finished reviewing. Advisors told my son same thing they told you. You have the hours and the GPA to meet requirements so hopefully you will have good news.
He has less than 30 hours so don’t know what outcome will be. Just hoping all goes well. Please keep us posted on your progress!</p>

<p>Yes I will reapply for spring 2013. My major is business administration finance but I know mays is really competitive also. Do you guys have any tips for me for reapplying for the spring? Would I have better luck if I put general studies as my second choice or choose an easier major to get into?</p>

<p>And thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I might try applying for an easier major. Try something in the liberal arts school/education? All I heard was that the business/engineering/some of the architecture programs are super hard to get into as an incoming transfer - internally transferring is a different story though.</p>

<p>Hello everyone! I was recently accepted as a transfer into Liberal Arts as an Economics major. I’m trying to decide if I should attend A&M and shoot for an internal transfer to Mays as a Finance major.</p>

<p>I have 28 hours, I’ll be a sophomore, and I have a 3.2. I haven’t taken calculus yet. Should I not even bother trying to get into Mays?</p>

<p>I need to decide soon! The thing is - I’m not sure I really want to go to A&M if I wouldn’t be able to get a business degree. Help!!</p>

<p>I have heard the college of agriculture is pretty easy to get into. Have any of you guys heard the same thing? I am a Finance major and I was thinking about applying to the agriculture college for agbusiness and then transferring to the mays business school if possible for spring 2013.</p>

<p>Hey cheerchick, just curious, you said you want to eventually get into Mays, we’re you thinking about also doing something in engineering? I noticed you said you applied to the eng. school.</p>

<p>It would be hard to believe there still sending out acceptance letters. Its getting waaay late to.</p>

<p>@JxmAggie…My first choice was Mays for business administration finance and my second choice was aerospace engineering. They denied me for Mays and told me to submit spring grades so then they used my grades to see if I can be accepted for aerospace engineering.</p>

<p>Is anyone still waiting for a decision?</p>

<p>For those still waiting to hear from Mays, I received this email last night:</p>

<p>Thank you for providing your spring grades for continued consideration for transfer admission to Texas A&M University. Unfortunately, Mays Business School has reached its capacity for admitting Transfer students. In an effort to provide you with additional opportunities for review, we wonder if there is another major you might wish to pursue. Many students pursue degrees in other disciplines and minor in business as an alternative to continuing to pursue admission to Mays Business School. If you would like to be considered for a major other than those offered by Mays Business School, please respond quickly to this email with your 1st and 2nd alternative major choices. Our suggestion would be to consider a major in Liberal Arts or one of our business-related majors in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.</p>

<p>NOTE: Please do not request a change of major with the intention of trying to pursue Mays Business School once enrolled. If admitted you need to be prepared to enroll and complete your degree in the alternate college/major. If you have an opportunity to pursue an actual business degree at another institution, please consider accepting that offer and accept our wishes for a very successful and productive education.</p>

<p>I’m still on step 3. Gigem what school did you apply for?</p>

<p>I am a out of state transfer to animal science. I sent in my spring grades in early may. I called today and they just now processed and sent my grades to animal science. The lady told me it should be 1-2 weeks for an answer. Also I emailed an advisor and I you get accepted they will make sure you get classes, it just might not be the desired times.</p>

<p>I’m still on step three. But the tabs “My Records” and “My Finances” popped up on Howdy Portal this morning. I think that they are just playing with me now. Come on already!</p>

<p>still on step 3… this is driving me insane. I just want to know if I got into general studies! All the people I know on Blinn Team still haven’t heard responses as well. Anyone on Blinn Team heard back yet?</p>