Transfer students-Anyone heard yet?

<p>Yep, I am on Blinn Team, still waiting to hear, glad to hear I am not the ONLY one.</p>

<p>Just to let everyone know, I got accepted today. It took one week after my spring grades were processed. A little over a month after my spring grades were turned in. So there is hope. They are still sending out acceptance letters.</p>

<p>What was your major? I am waiting on their decision for Petroleum/Chemical Eng. they received my grades on 5/17/2012 and it was processed few days after that. I am still on step 3 i dont know when i am going to be informed :-/</p>

<p>Hey shahinamin, I’ve applied for those exact majors too. Do you mind sharing GPA and hours? I have a 3.75 on 36 transferable hours. Still on step 3.</p>

<p>So what did everyone else write on for their essay? I went by the topic for essay A given on applytexas but I was reading through agrilife sciences website and they had a different requirement for the essay. I’m so frustrated that I wrote my essay on the wrong thing and am afraid it will affect my admissions. I am out I state and have been given the wrong info three times on different things now, all of which affected my application. I have lost hope on being accepted this time. I am starting to write my essay for spring application.</p>

<p>FYI guys,</p>

<p>GPA isn’t the most important thing they take into account when they review your credentials for admission. I was told by one of the advisors that they view the number of courses that you have completed towards your major to be the upmost important. You can have a 4.0 GPA, but if you barely have any progress towards your targeted major, they will not accept you. </p>

<p>On a side note, the essay is important, but you shouldn’t stress over it. Most universities only read the first paragraph or couple of sentences of your essay because they have so many to process. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone that is still waiting on their decision!</p>

<p>I was just accepted into the liberal arts college. It’s been almost a month since I re-submitted my spring grades…I didn’t think I was going to get admitted! Baylors price tag was going to hurt, glad that my dad doesnt have to give his life savings away.</p>

<p>Now, Who wants to be roommates? haha</p>

<p>hey my GPA was 3.78 with 61 hours, and all my science courses were A’s . yesterday i moved to step 4 and today those two tabs were added to my howdy profile. i think i got accepted and probably just waiting for my packet. i mean is hope is like that, thats everyone said.</p>

<p>Congratulations! I called the office today and he said I should find out in a few days. Our stats are similar but you definitely have way more hours than me, and that’s a another factor they consider. We will see. I’ll keep y’all updated.</p>

<p>Has Any Blinn Team students received a decision yet?</p>

<p>I love Texas A&M and want to be an Aggie so bad but waiting until early July is killing me. I’m glad to have the second chance, but how am I going to get housing, financial aid, and classes before school starts?!</p>

<p>This morning I discovered my first choice (Pete Eng.) was replaced by my second choice (Chem. Eng). Not what I was hoping for but atleast I can start making other plans as Chemical Engineering is still a tough program to get into, especially this late in the game. Housing and Financial aid are still a very gray area right now.</p>

<p>This is just torture for me. I don’t even live in Texas yet and it’s hard to plan when you don’t know where you are going to be, tarleton or A&M</p>

<p>Well I got my acceptance today…and I have until Sunday to make a decision and register for a New Student Conference…nothing like having 3 days to decide my future!</p>

<p>Take it, it will be the best decision of your life. I was born and raised an Aggie and if I got accepted I wouldn’t hesitate. I love texas a&m.</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>My 1st choice major was Business Administration, but I received an email last week saying that Mays was full and asking me to choose another major so I went with Sociology and plan on minoring in Business. </p>

<p>I was born and raised an Aggie as well, every college graduate in my family graduated from A&M. I took a different path though, and married a soldier. He’s getting out of the Army and we’re trying to decide between A&M and Miami University in Ohio (my dream versus his dream). He found out he was accepted to Miami today and I found out that I was accepted to A&M, so the timing of it all just makes it difficult…but hopefully I’ll win out!</p>

<p>I hope so too! I am still waitin to see I I got in and it’s torture knowing your dream is in someone else’s hands. Good luck!</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any Blinn Team students that have received transfer acceptance for Fall 2012?</p>

<p>No I haven’t heard, sorry. I know it sucks waiting. I called and they told me everyone will have an answer no later than July 15. So even though it’s been months of waiting we still have a little bit longer</p>