Transfer Students... Assemble!!!

<p>Hey there,
Just wondering whether other students are applying for fall 2005 transfer admissions??? I applied and was rejected last year, went to study abroad at UBC, and am back for a second chance. Anyone have stats they'd like to post, info on themselves, et cetera? I'd be interested to see what other students are applying, and how competitive the pool is. Thanks. ttyl,

<p>yeah.. i'm applying to cals... applied last year too... got a 2year guaranteed transfer... applying now for the hell of it.</p>

<p>Which school are you applying to?</p>

<p>I'm a transfer app for HE.</p>

<p>CALS... animal science... pre-veterinary</p>

<p>Sup, foos? Just kidding...:)
Waiting to hear from CAS.
How long do you think we'll have to wait? I know people say May....but why so long?
Anyways, I'm not really interested in posting my stats because I just don't like to, but I believe I stand a pretty good shot. I go to Hofstra University (on Long Island) now. Where are you guys coming from? Why do you want to transfer? Where do you think you'd live if you get it? Do you think I'm rather nosey? :)</p>

<p>Well, CAS isn't rolling. Correct me if I'm wrong...</p>

<p>So I guess May would be right. CALS and HE are rolling, so hopefully we'll hear sooner.... ahhh...</p>

<p>I go to NYU now, I wanna go to Cornell for many reasons, academic and social.</p>

<p>I'm going to send the last piece of info to them, the midyear, and it is done done done.</p>

<p>Then they'll start lookin at my app because they already emailed me about missing the midyear and that they can't continue to review my app with out it. Oh and they said that with that piece of document in hand, they can make a final decision about my admissions status..ahh</p>


<p>There were a bunch of threads on the old forum on transferring to Cornell, and I think all the decisions would be out from early to late May.</p>

<p>Engineering - ECE or AEP</p>

<p>kkl230... I'm wondering why do you wanted to transfer out of NYU? I'm just wondering because I'm going to Cornell ED but then I used to love NYU. I live about 10 minutes away from NYU (in Chinatown)</p>

<p>Well the academic reason is because in NYU CAS, their course of study is rather generic and not interesting (to me). I major in the life science area, but all NYU has is biology and some other generic major. SEcondly, NYU has something called MAP. It is basically the core curriculum you MUST follow in addition to your premed requirements. With that said, I am not given the flexibility to take courses that I am interested in. So, with premed requirements, MAP requirements, and major requirements, it certainly takes away from the flexibility I so desperately want. Cornell Human Ecology's curriculum is much more flexible and involves things I'm interested in.</p>

<p>The social aspect involves the fact that NYU is not a campus school. Having lived in NYC for all my life, I have grown accustomed to the surroundings and it just doesn't have the appeal anymore. To make matters worse, I commute. Lastly, there isn't really a sense of identity at NYU. Maybe it's because its an urban school. It difficult to seclude the school from the outside world. But that is what I want. I want to feel apart of the school, not a school that is mixed and scattered into the city. I would rather go to a school embedded within the city (i.e. Columbia, UPenn). Those are rather personal reasons. Maybe you'd feel differently. Go check the schools out first and see what you think.</p>