Transfer Students for Fall 2010

<p>Since there are threads for early descision and regular admission, I thought that it would be nice to see some stats from transfer students.</p>

<p>Status (accepted/denied/waitlisted)
Your intended major
Where you are from
Where are you transferring from
SAT/ACT scores
HS GPA / College GPA
Major ECs
If any scholarship received</p>

<p>I'll start...</p>

International Business
West Palm Beach, FL
Palm Beach State College
No HS (GED) / College 3.8
Phi Theta Kappa, secretary of Community Earth, volunteer, etc.
Not sure yet...</p>


Pennington, NJ
Emerson College
lots of theatre and dance!
don’t know yet!</p>


Originally from Miami, currently living in northern California
Diablo Valley College
3.6 (college)
Worked in accounting
Phi Theta Kappa</p>

<p>Status (accepted/denied/waitlisted)
Your intended major
Where you are from
Where are you transferring from
SAT/ACT scores
HS GPA / College GPA
Major ECs
If any scholarship received</p>

Davie, FL
Broward College
Wrestling Coach, Warehouse Associate, Community Service, Powerlifting
No scholly yet</p>

<p>ollie - did you get the PTK scholarship? When did you find out that you received the scholarship??</p>

<p>Status (accepted/denied/waitlisted)-ACCEPTED
Your intended major-ACCOUNTING & FINANCE
Where you are from-CHICAGO
Where are you transferring from-MIAMI OHIO
SAT/ACT scores-26
HS GPA / College GPA- HS: 3.2 COLLEGE: 3.7
Major ECs- volunteering…the usual
If any scholarship received-IDK</p>

<p>So acceptances have already been sent out? If I have not received one does that mean I am rejected?</p>

<p>Nicole B
Neither do I. I suppose it’s only first wave of acceptances.</p>

<p>Well I am glad someone else is in the same boat as me. I know that on their website it says April 15 so I got all worried that people already were getting theirs on here.</p>

<p>I recognize you from USC transfer thread. From all the schools I applied to, UM and USC seem to be the slowest ones :)</p>

<p>hahaha yes and USC is not till June ahhh. I am so nervous!</p>

<p>UM was the first school i heard back from, and they admitted me even though i didn’t send in my letters of rec (i didn’t plan on going, and i still don’t)</p>

Status: accepted
aerospace engineering
100 miles north of miami
1240/1600 SAT
3.5 weighted in HS/3.6 in college
only a couple ECs at my school, and nothing prior to fall 09
i’m in PTK but i haven’t been notified of any scholarship, and i just checked myUM. they probably won’t give it to me since i’m not gonna send in a complete application anyway.</p>

<p>At open house they said scholarships would be awarded his week, any news?</p>

<p>yeah I still haven’t heard but I know mine was going to take a while.</p>

<p>did you guys just check online or got an email or a package in the mail?</p>

<p>If you are referring to the acceptance letter, mine was in the mailbox when I checked online and was accepted. I also live less than an hour drive from campus.</p>

<p>Where can you check online?</p>

<p><a href=“Sign In”>Sign In;

<p>Omg so excited I just got accepted!</p>

<p>I was accepted as a transfer (junior in the fall) in mid February. I have also gotten a letter in the mail about scholarships that I received. I heard that they would be announcing those decisions no later than April 1st.</p>

<p>Do scholarships come with your acceptance or after?</p>