trasfer 2010

<p>Um i want to apply to the university of miami as a transfer student in the fall of 2010. I am currently going to attend Bryant University to study business law Major in accounting minor in legal stuides. First semester of freshman year i am taking mathematics of finance, introduction to business, Intro to liberal arts, introduction to global politics, introductiont to college ( easy class) and micro economics this totals out to 16 credits. I plan on dropping intro to global politics so that i can have 5 classes and study for 4. I'll be under the requirement for Bryant but im more worried about getting good grades. In high school i didn't get good results till senior year because i finally was able to figure out what worked for me and what didn't. Fresh-sophmore year i got overall averages ranged from 85-89 but senior year my averages is 89-95. No one told me what to do since i never had someone to ask. But now i know what works for me. I didn't get good sats either so that might hurt my chances. If i get above a 3.5 gpa in college would university of miami be a good choice and if so would dropping introduction to global politcs be better for me or worse.</p>

<p>TheU is not a hard school to transfer into as a sophomore or junior. If you get a 3.2-3.3+, I’d say you have an 80% chance.</p>

<p>really thats good to hear</p>

<p>anyone else can you give me some information</p>

<p>What kind of information would you like? I’m very knowledgeable on the University of Miami, so feel free to ask.</p>

<p>So do transfer students get scholarships</p>

<p>It’s very rare, but if you speak to Financial Aid, I’m sure they can find a grant or some kind of merit scholarship for you if they really want you at UMiami.</p>

<p>I believe you need a 3.75 GPA in order to be considered.</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> for Transfer Students | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,6802-1;8113-2,00.html]Scholarships”>,1770,6802-1;8113-2,00.html)</p>

<p>k so my goal is to get above a 3.75 for the fall so that i can transfer to the university of miami. Bruins so would you say that a 3.3+ would consider you safe on getting in to UM not scholorship just getting accepted?</p>

<p>also should i admit my sat scores to cuz they were on the low side cuz i had medical problems. I’m looking at to attend a good school but a school that gives me money to because bryant although is a good school for business but the school isn’t giving me money. I had around a 3.2, 3.3 in hs overall and i hate a 1560 or 1580 out of 2400 sats. The reason being is that during my junior year i had a setback with medical problems so it had a mental impact on me. But in my senior year i worked my ass off. Overall i never got below a 90 overall in all my semesters/quaters. I started participating in a lot of clubs in hs in senior year and now i plan on doing that freshman year at bryant. Do i have a chance?</p>

<p>No joke, despite your lower GPA ( I had a 3.7; a little higher and 4.2 W), you seem to have the exact same situation as me. I had high GPA, ranked within top 15th percentile due to lack of APs and dual enrollment but I could not help that because I was also deathly ill with a lymphatic disease and while I did receive 4.0 when I withdrew on internet/phone school offered by the county for other kids in my situation and 4.0 GPA for second semester when I was able to return to school and resume my Honor level courses (too late in the game for AP bc the test covers Aug-April), my rank dropped tremendously due to the extreme competition in my high school. My goal had always been UCLA or UNC-CH but I only applied to one due to the similar score in SATs and was flat out denied. I applied to other schools of interest and was accepted to all (Maryland, UW-Seattle, UMass-Amherst) and waitlisted at UVA even with my SATs which I was more than happy with. </p>

<p>If you want Miami, you’ll have it. I’d lean more toward a 3.4 GPA but I believe you can get in with a 3.3 GPA. I mean schools like Emory and Vanderbilt take students with 3.4-3.6 GPA, so Miami would of course take kids with 3.2-3.3. Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for that but im looking for money from miami because of my massive loan from bryant im going to take a loan from bryant for around 20,000. I got a 2,000 loan for 4 percent interest rate which is good so i have 18,000 to get in loan.</p>

<p>I was thinking applying for the spring semester of my sophmore year so that i could work at the end of my freshman year and begginning of my sophmore year so that i can earn some money</p>

<p>bump… plz help</p>

<p>BUMP…I am also applying as a transfer for spring of '10. I won’t be able to get a scholarship so I am saving up and working in the fall. I haven’t heard of many people applying in the spring so I am also curious as to what I should be striving for to get in.</p>

<p>ya dude me to see i want to apply for the spring of my sophmore year cuz i know its expensive so i plan on working after spring of freshman year throughout summer and fall/winter of sophmore year</p>

<p>just curious if you apply for the spring decision when does the results come out</p>

<p>I think you’ll know by Dec. 15th</p>

<p>see can i have some help. As you know i’ll be attending bryant and i am using alot of money for bryant( i made a mistake ya its a great school for accounting but its expensive) like alot. I want to go to UM but its a private school. I thought that i can apply spring semester after 2 semesters at bryant but if i dont get in and i drop out for the first semester to work that wouldn’t be smart. would it be better for me to attend bryant for 1 year, take courses in the summer, work in the summer, go to a public university in the summer then apply to UM after 2 years of doing this? Because i know for transfers it is hard to get money for aid</p>

<p>If I were in your position I would complete a year at bryant and then take classes at a less expensive school for at lease one semester if not two until you get your gpa to a 3.75. BUT they only offer scholarship money in the fall so regardless if you get in the spring they wont offer any scholarships</p>

<p>That sounds fine will the credits transfer</p>