Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>I hope everyone that is postponed gets in ! and everyone that applied !</p>

<p>seems like alot of postponements…did every one send in their SATS</p>

<p>I bet everyone that is postponed will get in… they just gotta show a strong gpa for spring and everyone will be fine. </p>

<p>No I dont think SAT or ACT scores matter anymore.</p>

<p>yeah if ur postponed all you have to do is get over a 3.0+ and your in pretty much according to the other transfer posts for years back</p>

<p>@Wisco4Life what happens if someones gpa for spring term is lower than fall term ??</p>

<p>if its above a 3.0, do you think they would still be accepted ?</p>

<p>According to what I read on other cc posts a 3.0+ for spring semister is what they want to see and hopefully not a huge drop off in gpa (4.0 to 3.0 will be a bit iffy). thats what I read online…I have no personal experience or knowledge about the matter tho</p>

<p>any more acceptances?</p>

<p>Every day since I sent in my application, I have added one Hershey’s kiss to a small barrel by my dresser. If I get accepted, I will eat them. If I get rejected, I will put them and my rejection letter in the brush pile, and then burn the brush pile.</p>

<p>Gosh I hope I get in. Madison has been my dream school since I was a kid, but didn’t get in since my high school grads weren’t the greatest. I just received a letter saying that all the materials I need have gotten there. Does anyone know when I should hear back by?</p>

<p>april…dont worry if your hs grades werent good its okay and wont play a big role. I was terrible in high school and just got a conditional acceptance to indiana university. Not as overall as hard to get into as wisconsin but keep your hopes high. Say a prayer or two. If its meant to be we will all get in…I think we all will</p>

<p>Well I have all my stats posted on page five. I currently have around a 3.5 cumulative gpa this year in college. No one really told me if I have a good shot or not? Do I?</p>

<p>seems like you will be good. I have a 3.5 but from a new york community college. I think well be okay. I just am skeptical on the high school grades part if they actually dont take it into consideration. I did terribly in high school but i wrote phenominal essays. Incredible ones. And on the second scripture i explained why i did poorly in high school</p>

<p>Yes both of my essays were good as well. I actually had my English teacher proofread to make sure they were of high quality. I mean I go to a pretty good school already here at Arizona State but for money purposes I need to go back to Wisconsin so I can get in-state tuition. Plus like I said Wisconsin is the place I’ve always wanted to be. Madison is such an awesome town. Many consider it the best college town in the country. I just want to know if I should get my hopes up or not. My cousin when he transferred there got in with a college gpa of only 2.75 but that was also ten years ago. UW has definitely gotten more restrictive. I guess all I can do is wait.</p>

<p>TO THOSE POSTPONED : did it say that they just want to wait to achieve final semester grades? Indiana U just postponed me</p>

<p>@Stevenjames07 yes, to your question. All they want is your final grades spring semester and then they will make a final decision.</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.4 weighted, 3.2 unweighted
College GPA: 4.0
ACT: 31
Recs: 1 from a teacher who graduated from UW Madison, 1 from my boss
ECs: community service here and there, 31 hr per week banking job, model congress with Don Manzullo, Mandarin Chinese classes not-for-credit.</p>

<p>Says I will know by the end of APRIL…ugh.</p>

<p>rac1891, when did you apply? I thought March was the last notification period? Were you postponed?</p>

<p>I applied in January, and no I was not postponed.</p>

<p>I think it is because my transcripts from college got lost in the mail (or my college didnt send them, hard to say) so I had to resend them, and they didn’t notify me of that til Feb 10th and said I had until March 15th to get them my transcripts. So, they ended up getting them on Feb 18th. That is probably the issue.</p>

<p>Where do you find out your status on your MyUW? I thought you could see it on there but can’t find it anywhere.</p>