Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

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<p>Thanks for that I found my application status. It says I have all the materials handed in but it said a decision will be made by the end of April. So does that mean that’s the latest a decision will be made on my status or is that the exact date that I’ll find out. I would like to find out much earlier than the end of April.</p>

<p>any other decisions or information…acceptances, denials, deferrals?</p>

<p>No news yet here!</p>

<p>Just checked. Results— postponed…whaaat??? Didn’t know they postponed so late (which makes me kind of unsettled) but not as bad as outright rejection I guess. Any other news???</p>

<p>Also, what is my next step? I do have supplemental material I can send in because I did foresee this happening. I have AP scores, a letter of recommendation, I guess I could send those in… any advice for me???</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! Good luck to everyone else, I hope you all get answers soon too! I am surprised I got mine so early since they did not get all of my materials until late Feb and it said I would get a response before the end of April.</p>

<p>did they email notify you first?</p>

<p>I have the same situation, I didn’t get all my stuff in until late February, so I’m hoping I hear a decision soon. This anticipation is killing me!</p>

<p>No, they email notified me a few hours after I logged into my UW and saw that I was accepted! And the email only told me to log on to my UW to view their decision.</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten denied yet ? Any more postponements ?</p>

<p>Still waiting…</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.6 cumulative 4.0 for the last two years… one bad semester before I took a break from college
HS GPA: 3.1
ACT/SAT: Didn’t take
Current Year: Junior
Major: Communication Arts
Decision: Still Waiting</p>

<p>Alright, I was postponed on the March 15th, but here are my stats…</p>

<p>College GPA- 2.9 (1 semester completed), at my dual enrollment/summer school college in the UW system= 3.7
HS GPA- ~3.3
ACT- 28
Current Year- Freshman
Major- Undecided
Decision- Postponed</p>

<p>A little surprised I didn’t get outright rejected, but I have significant extenuating circumstances that affected my last semester grades (serious injury), so maybe if I present good grades for this spring, I’ll have a chance.</p>

<p>@artist193 You definitely got to show them spring semester.</p>

<p>I got a 3.8 first semester and I got postponed …</p>

<p>I’ll keep working hard :slight_smile: </p>

<p>But I wonder if they will accept all the postponed applicants? I’m not really sure the stats this year for transfers</p>

<p>@BB9324 I am wondering about that as well… I haven’t been able to find any info on how many of the postponed applicants eventually get accepted. However, I have heard from many people that if you get at least a 3.0 spring semester, you have a very good chance of getting in. I emailed an admissions counselor, and that’s pretty much along the lines of what they said too. Hopefully everything works out!</p>

<p>@artist193 so much pressure! but we can do it</p>

<p>Hey I have a question for all the postponed transfer applicants…how will housing workout if we get our decisions late may or early-mid June? If they require our spring grades it will take a few weeks to receive them and another few weeks for the decision… Do they still offer housing? What about apartments near or on campus? Will they be available?</p>

<p>Well I’m on a trimester basis at my current school and it’s Finals week. Since I need to send my winter grades to UW, I guess I’m going to have to wait quite a while to hear back. Anyway, good luck everyone!</p>

<p>@Wisco4Life Well, its good to plan ahead of time for housing. especially since a lot of the nice and less priced apartments are going to be all taken. I’m looking for an apartment now</p>

<p>I don’t know if I am going to Madison because I am waiting for other school decisions I will get in May…So that is a good point about housing. I live an hour away (in Illinois) and am considering just commuting.</p>

<p>Well will there be on-campus housing still available? I don’t want to contact anyone at UW… I have already called/emailed a few times about questions I had and I’m scared that they will reject me because they think I am annoying :/</p>