Transfer Students-Stats and Status!

<p>they have a large transfer amount…you can dorm there in transfer student dorms or dorm at other places on campus. They set it up so they will have the room available.</p>

<p>FYI Last year they reached their maximum for on campus dorms for Freshmen. I got waitlisted last year so I was still keeping up to date with the housing and realized if i got in (which i didnt) I would have to go off campus for housing…I think receiving an acceptance decisions in early June is just plain silly. One would have to make a back-up plan and withdraw from the back up plan just to get into Wisconsin and register for classes and housing late which would result in limited options</p>

<p>i was just trying to help…My mom called and they said since the transfer students are numbered and they know what to expect that most transfer students wouldnt run into housing problems </p>

<p>I understand what your saying but i think we should all be fine…maybe the wait is just causing our minds to worry more then they should be.</p>

<p>@Stevenjames07 What do you mean as in transfer students are numbered and they know what to expect?</p>

<p>Are the transfer admissions going to accept everyone then? I HOPE SO !</p>


<p>I wasnt trying to be bash on you. I’m just saying if you get housing in the middle of June its not going to be good housing…toward the lower end actually</p>

<p>Will they have enough dorm space for transfers this fall? Don’t know if I want to live off-campus my first year.</p>

<p>Just got accepted…pretty happy</p>

<p>@Wisco4Life CONGRATS ! when did you find out ? just today? ahh I can’t wait to hear back now.</p>

<p>Yeah my friend sent me a text saying he got in so I checked and I was in too…gonna start looking for an apartment now…hopefully everyone gets in…I’m gonna keep checking this forum</p>

<p>For all the people that got in, Have you found housing yet for fall 2012?<br>
If so, where??</p>

<p>I looked for housing and got my apartment for next year.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what’s up with the tuition enrollment deposit (whatever they call it)? I know it is due May 1st, but I am wondering if it is a binding agreement that I will be attending? I am still waiting for answers from other schools that will not accept or reject me until sometime in May, so I am conflicted! I am 95% sure that Madison is where I will be going…but do not want to accept my admission until I hear from all my schools.</p>

<p>Me and my buddy whos transferring got a nice apartment on campus…we have an extra bedroom though so we are looking for another chill roommate</p>

<p>@Wisco4Life I might be interested in that offer if I get accepted.</p>

<p>K…Whats ur application status right now?</p>

<p>I’m still waiting on a decision, hope to hear very shortly.</p>

<p>Anyone received their admissions packet in the mail yet? I am still waiting!</p>

<p>still waiting…site hasnt changed in forever</p>

<p>I’m still waiting as well. The anticipation is killing me. I really want to hear about it in the next week or so. Don’t want it too drag on. I want to know if I’m going to Madison or not by the time my finals come around.</p>

<p>To Everyone: Is anyone pledging in any sororities or fraternities when they get in?</p>

<p>I’m interested in doing it !</p>

<p>Just sent in my last transcript with winter term’s grade! Straight A’s and I hope it’ll get me in. BTW since I ordered them today when do you guys think I’ll have a decision?
I may pledge just to meet people since I don’t know how easy it is at madison as a transfer!</p>