Transfer To Cal?

<p>Hoping to get in to Cal but i actually don't know if I stand a chance.
Transferring from a CC as an Anthropology Major.
Transfer G.P.A: 3.9
Major G.P.A: 4.0
I have some volunteer work and an internship at a non-profit.
Is it possible? lol Thanks in advance

<p>As a matter of fact, you have a very good chance at CAL! </p>

<p>How many units have you completed? Do you have IGETC or L&S breadth requirements fulfilled, or will they be at the end of Spring 2012?</p>

<p>I’ll be fulfilling the IGETC finishing up with 61 units by the end of this semester. Hopefully transferring for fall</p>

<p>I’m mostly concerned with my lack of awards/extra cirriculars. I did band in high school and a bit at my cc, but other than that it’s pretty bare. Do you think my internship and volunteer work + acedemics will suffice?</p>

<p>Shameless Bump (Just for fun)</p>