Transfer to Decker Nursing

Hi guys,

I’m applying to Decker school of nursing at Bing for Fall 16 as a transfer.

Is anyone else applying as well? Does anyone know what a good Gpa range would be for acceptance?


Also, personal statement isn’t required but should I send one anyway???

Hey I also applied mid-October and im still waiting to hear back. I just completed A&P 1 Fall semester, now im taking the second part. Ive taken micro, 2 chems, and everything else basically. Patiently waiting !

I also applied to Decker and submitted my app on 11/1. I looked at past years and it seems like we might be waiting awhile for decisions. Last year they didn’t come until the end of March :frowning:

@Karategirl431993 @stephaw1 Hey! I actually applied last year as well… I didnt have all prereqs done and my gpa was not as strong as it is now. I didnt hear back until April :frowning: But hopefully this year is different! Where do you guys go to school now?

@emamazing I just graduated from SUNY Geneseo in December and am taking A&P II at Binghamton this semester.

@Karategirl431993 Oh gotcha, so you’re applying to the BAT program? I’m currently at Stony Brook applying to the traditional program.

@emamazing I’m actually applying as a second degree transfer which will take four regular semesters instead of it being condensed into one year. I’ve heard there’s absolutely no way to work while doing the BAT and I was hoping to work part-time or during the summers to pay for it.

@Karategirl431993 Oh, that’s so nice! I had sort of read about second degree transfers, but I didn’t know how it worked. I like that better than the BAT program. Do you know if you would be enrolled with people in the traditional program? Or is there a separate group for second degree transfers?

I believe that second degree transfers are enrolled with people in the traditional program but basically start as juniors taking nursing classes.

@Karategirl431993 Yeah that’s what I figured. Is Binghamton the only college you are applying to?

@emamazing I applied to some accelerated programs at private colleges and a few ADN programs. Binghamton is definitely my top choice though!

@Karategirl431993 Yeah same! I’m really hoping for the best. I’ve wanted this for so long… I hope the applicant pool isn’t ridiculously competitive. My grades are good, but I don’t have a 4.0.

Has anyone heard anything? @Karategirl431993

@emamazing nope. Called a week or two ago and they said beginning or middle of April.

@Karategirl431993 Seriously middle of April? Jeez I just want to know already lol

@emamazing I know! The worst part is they said I’m going to find out ‘early’ since I applied in November. Can’t imagine when people who applied in February would find out.

@Karategirl431993 I also applied in November. The thing is, they told us that and everyone will probably hear back at the same time regardless of when u sent in the application lol. That happened last year.

@Karategirl431993 Hey I was put on a waitlist. Did u check ur application today?

@emamazing I was also waitlisted