Decker School Of Nursing (transfer students) Class of 2016

Hey guys, so i noticed there isn’t a post for transfer students that applied to the Nursing Program so i wanted to create one. I applied 1/28/16 and still haven’t gotten a reply… If anyone did let me know! good luck to all of us who applied!!

I applied 2/22/16 still waiting :slight_smile:

I applied in November and still haven’t heard

I also am still waiting to hear. Applied early November. If you dont mind me asking, where are you guys transferring from and what are your gpas?

I am transferring from Westchester Community College. My current GPA is a 3.8

Hi there! I applied in february and heard back on march 28, its a go! Im currently at michigan state and would start at Bing as a Junior. My GPA is a 3.7 Still trying to weigh my options, does anyone know any details about their nursing program that would help me in this decision?! Good luck to all of you (:

What other nursing programs have u also been accepted too? I have done a lot of research and is able to compare to other colleges which could help u on ur decision. Also, i had to send my Progress report of my midterm grades in order for them to make their decision. I should hear back soon i hope @brittenkathleen

What time of the day did you hear back?