<p>Is it possible. I'm hearing phenomenal things about the program and I'm wondering if it's possible to transfer in when I go to UT in the Spring?</p>
<p>No. It’s only for entering freshmen.</p>
<p>its not that great. and no, no transfers</p>
<p>JD…When did you change your tune about Plan II?? Last year you posted…</p>
<p>“I’m on the UT Plan II waitlist and the thing is, I only want to go to UT if I get into plan II.”</p>
<p>Are you actually in the program to be able to make the comment that it’s not so great? Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but I hope you are speaking from experience and not bitterness or hearsay.</p>
<p>And Robert…Plan II is a freshman entrance only program.</p>
<p>Plan II is great! However, you can’t transfer in. You can try for other honors programs, though!</p>
<p>Yeah, you cannot really say whether Plan II is great unless you’re in it. Hearing things about the thing doesn’t mean a thing, jackdaniels. Sounds like someone just is still resentful. </p>
<p>Unfortunately, Plan II doesn’t allow any transfers at all. Apparently, it used to, but never publicized it enough to attract enough applicants. However, if you look around you could still find the basic idea of Plan II: seminar classes, a close-knit community if you look around.</p>