<p>hi everyone, im applying for fall 2012
gpa:3.23 by the end of this fall, 2.97 right now
igetc:completed by spring 11
tag:none unfortunately
pre req:none required but doing recommended
applying:uci, ucr, ucsd, ucsb, ucla, ucd, usc</p>
<p>is history really impacted for these uc's, and what are my chances for these school's?
and advice or input would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Hi David. I’d say you have a long shot at UCLA. But the rest are pretty likely. The thing is…your major isn’t impacted at UCSD, UCI. I’m not sure about the rest. Do you have a top choice of college in mind?</p>
<p>By the way, many people got admitted to UCs last year with a GPA like that. To have your IGETC done which is good. Last years cutoff GPA was 3.2.</p>
<p>alright thanks for the info, my top choices are either uci or ucsd</p>
<p>No problem
alright. So UCSD I think you have a decent shot but I’m a little skeptical due to the fact that last years tag was a 3.0 and the gpa cutoff for non tag was 3.2. If it’s a 3.5 TAG this year I wonder what the cutoff will be. But here’s the plus: History is NOT an impacted major at both schools. (I’m guessing Biological Sciences is impacted at UCI). You’re good for UCI. For UCSD I’d say you’re in 50% because it’s not impacted and you have your igetc finished. By the way, how about your major Prerequisites? Done with those?</p>
<p>yah, there not required but i did some recommended</p>