<p>I posted in the chance thread but didn't get much feedback.</p>
<p>Applying to: CAL, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, USC, & Chapman for Fall 2012</p>
<p>No Tag</p>
<p>Major: Philosophy</p>
<p>Current Overall GPA: 3.52 </p>
<p>Current Major GPA: 3.6 (But still have 3 more pre-reqs to take this semester)</p>
<p>Expected Overall GPA by end of this Fall: 3.62 (Is this GPA more important than the GPA when applying?)</p>
<p>Expected Major GPA by end of this Fall: 3.84</p>
<p>UCLA, UCSD, & UCI pre-reqs finished by end of this fall (attending 3 diff. CCC's this semester because my home CCC doesn't have the pre-req's required)</p>
<p>IGETC and 60 units completed by the end of Spring 2012</p>
<p>EC's: A.G.S. Honors Society, Model United Nations club, and Philosophical Society club</p>
<p>Upward Trend: 3 W's, 2 C's, & 2 NC's in the first couple semesters. Since then, I have only been getting few B's and mostly A's.</p>
<p>Thanks for your time!</p>
<p>Why are you not applying for TAG?</p>
<p>Because I have not completed a transferable math course yet. I’m taking Intermediate Algebra this semester :/</p>
<p>Been avoiding math since the beginning.</p>
<p>Is Intermediate Algebra UC-transferable at your CC? (This might be an obvious No lol but I’ve never taken it so I have no idea.) For UCSD, you just need to have English and Math completed by the end of Fall.</p>
For other UCs you may TAG because they don’t expect you to have your IGETC completed. Just a 3.2 overall gpa. The gpa AFTER fall 2011 matters because that’s what they are going to use to evaluate your addmisaion. You have a great gpa and since your major isn’t impacted, you have a good shot at all schools (Not sure about Berkeley). I don’t know much about their majors and stuff. Good luck! :)</p>
<p>^^ From what I understand, the OP isn’t completing their transferable math until Spring, therefore they can’t TAG either SD or I. Those are the only TAG schools they were interested in.</p>
<p>HoolzPreMed: Thanks for the info. and best wishes to you too!!</p>
<p>Yeah like killmyentourage said I can’t tag because of the math situation :/</p>
<p>…and the intermediate algebra is not uc transferable. Explain this UCSD thing pweeze</p>
<p>@OP: If you finish your pre-reqs, I think you have a good chance at UCLA and down. Cal might be a little bit of a reach, but I’m not sure what their acceptance stats are like for the major.</p>
<p>UCLA is my first pick so if I can get into there I’m golden :)</p>
<p>Any Phil. majors that can chime in?</p>