Transfer UCLA vs UCSD Physics

I need some help deciding between UCLA and UCSD. I got accepted as a transfer for both schools as a physics major.

What questions should I be asking?
Where can I find a ton of information that isn’t university’s websites?

I live in SD. I can’t travel to UCLA. I’ve seen UCSD and I know people that go to both schools. I plan to live on campus. San Diego as a city doesn’t mean much to me. I tend to study a lot. I love social people, but I don’t party. I don’t have any long term goals, but I am fascinated with nanotechnology (hence, nanomaterials for energy storage and nanomedicine for biotech). UCSD has a nanoengi degree that I am very interested in pursuing, but there is a screening process and there is no guarantee I will get in since it is based on space and other factors that may not totally be GPA (…space?). I study physics because it is engaging and fulfilling to learn, but I have no particular interest in pure physics research (more interested in applying physics to engineering research [nanotech]). I also have done research programs now for four years and I’m not a fan of the bench, so I am definitely looking for opportunities outside of lab research.

Any and all information is highly appreciated, thank you :slight_smile:

Both are very good. spend some time on both campuses, think about spending 4 years there, talk to students and follow your heart. If you still have no preference, flip a coin and never second guess your result.