Transfer Umich to PSU?

<p>I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Michigan. I'm looking to transfer back in state to Penn State. My question after my Fall 08 semester I'll have around a 3.0, maybe a tiny bit below (2.98) or above (3.05). Is this good enough to get out of here? Any thoughts?</p>


<p>You might want to raise your gpa up a bit. It depends which college your transferring into. I know they want at least a 3.0 for you to transfer in. Are you from PA? If you are, you might have a better chance, but if your not, you have to work harder. It is a state school and you need have a better than all the other transfer that are transferring from PA.</p>

<p>I am from Pennsylvania, so I have in state going for me, and I’m transferring to the Liberal Arts college. Do I not get any special preference due to the fact that I do go to a very much more difficult school than PSU?</p>

<p>I dont think they care if you come from a better school or not. there just going to look at your grades and make their decision.</p>

<p>“Do I not get any special preference due to the fact that I do go to a very much more difficult school than PSU?”</p>

<p>You go to Michigan…not Harvard. Honestly, it will be very close since you have right at a 3.0. Applicants are higher than they have ever been for Penn State and is tough to get in these days. I will admit I am not a big fan of Michigan. Michigan is a very good school, but you are not taking a step down coming to Penn State University Park from Michigan. Good luck.</p>