<p>Transferring from University of Michigan to Penn State after 2 years. I live in pennsylvania and have a brother who goes there. My GPA is a 2.92 at Michigan and I've dropped two classes along the way. My high school GPA was a 3.84 and I was ranked in the top 5% of my class. What are my chances?</p>
<p>your hs gpa won’t matter much anymore…a 2.9 would normally be low, but if you are in-state you could have a shot…your ec’s could be the deciding factor</p>
<p>It depends on if they take your high school gpa into account. I agree with dufflebagjesus that a 2.9 is normally too low, but your family connections may help. I think you have a shot. Have you decided on a college that you are applying to get into. I would recommend the College of Communications or the College of Liberals Arts, due to it often being thought that they are a little bit easier to get into.</p>
<p>I applied to Liberal Arts college, and I was wondering do they consider the fact I go to Michigan at all. I know it’s not Harvard by any means but is in the top 25 schools in the country I’d say so do I get any love for that?</p>
<p>I think the fact that you applied to liberal arts will help. I am sure there is a help with having gone to Michigan, as it is a good school and there is a lot of familiarity between the two due to both being in the Big Ten.</p>
<p>Would you guys have any ideas for schools to apply to in the Maryland, PA area as safety schools since it sounds like this is quite a reach for me. I need to go to a different school because economically I can’t afford 40k a year any longer. Thanks.</p>
<p>I wasn’t true to say that it is a large reach, as I think you have a good shot. It’s really hard to guess transfer, though, as it often depends on the amount of places that have opened up in a class. If you were looking at safeties, you could always consider places like Temple, Drexel, and James Madison. You may also want to consider Pitt, as there is often a considerable overlap in applications between Penn State University Park and Pitt.</p>
<p>Blamar01- I am trying to transfer from PITT to Penn State </p>
<p>I applied to transfer and heard back from PSU requesting that I sent in my first semester grades of this year. Did this happen to you? Now I have a 3.17 GPA for my first three semesters at PITT. I am very nervous! I should hear a decision any day now.</p>
<p>and by the way… i heard that a 2.5 is the minimum acceptance GPA for transfer students. So having a 2.9 GPA really isnt that bad at all.</p>
<p>And its alot easier to transfer into PSU main</p>
<p>I apply to PSU main also. But I apply last year and got accepted with a 3.4, but decided not to go.</p>
<p>“and by the way… i heard that a 2.5 is the minimum acceptance GPA for transfer students. So having a 2.9 GPA really isnt that bad at all.”</p>
<p>I am not going to argue on the difficulty, as I have said my opinion on that, but this has nothing to do with anything. The 2.5 is a level that you have to hit to at least be considered, as it is definitely not the transfer average. Most schools have somewhere between a 2.0-2.5 minimum that is required to be considered during the transfer process, but it often takes grades that are significantly better than the minimum to get accepted.</p>
<p>jec7483- i was not saying that if someone had a 2.5 GPA they would get in… i was just saying that is the minimum. </p>
<p>I said that because blamar01 said he had a 2.9, and that is considerally above a 2.5, meaning he has a good shot. Thats all i meant by that.</p>