
Hello everyone! I hoping y’all can give me some insight. I graduated high school in 2014 was accepted to Bama and UGA. Chose UGA after visiting and meeting with my program advisors. I had a lot of health issues through freshman year and into this past summer that have prevented me from going back. Stepping back from the situation I can’t help but thing I made the wrong decision going to UGA. I have decided to transfer either this spring or next fall. I’m currently attending community college until I can get my health in order. Why I’m here really is I need advice about transferring into Alabama- is it worth it? I can’t decide if I want to stay with Political Science or go into Nursing- can I switch majors easily (given the pre reqs are done)? I also didn’t go greek although I always wanted to. Is it too late for me if I go to Bama? Also scholarship wise- as someone who is out of state from a middle class family, if loans and scholarships don’t cover school, is admissions willing to work with students to make Bama possible?
I hope y’all can help me out. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Not sure where to start.

You’re currently a poly sci major and thinking about changing to nursing and transferring to Bama?

How were you paying for UGa as an OOS student?

? Also scholarship wise- as someone who is out of state from a middle class family, if loans and scholarships don’t cover school, is admissions willing to work with students to make Bama possible?

there are few scholarships for transfer students. Were you attending UGA on scholarship?

How much will your parents pay each year?

As far as the Greek situation - being a sophomore or transfer is no obstacle to pledging a sorority, but you MUST have very good grades - 3.0 minimum buy preferably above, some involvement in extracurriculars and in your case, it will be crucial to have recommendations to each and every sorority if at all possible. A recommendation from an alumna of that sorority, and preferably one who knows you and/or your family, will explain your health situation and your reasons for transferring in addition to vouching for your character.
Additionally, you need to understand that being in a sorority is not something you can do cheaply. Those magnificent houses cost a lot of money, and members pay the bills. Be sure you read the website thoroughly. Information about costs can be found under the Recruitment tab, On the pop-down menu, click on “2015 Recruitment Info,” then look down the left side and click on “Cost.”

On the academic side, nursing is a tough major and it’s quite competitive to get into the program, not to mention a vastly different course of study from political science. After you get your diploma, what sort of job can you get with a political science major? Students choosing their major need to think of that!

I was a Polisci and International Affairs major looking to go into International Law like the UN side of things or either and NGO or IGO. Stepping back this semester I see that I might not want to do that. I have most of the nursing pre reqs done from just general ed stuff- I can complete them by the end of next semester. I understand the difficulty level of nursing.
As far as the financial side of things- my parents are more than willing to do whatever to make college possible. I have a small scholarship at UGa- they’re not the greatest when it comes to OOS scholarships. I’m sure financial aid and loans will cover the cost but I would love to make the load on my parents and myself as light as possible.

I’m not sure you fully understand–there’s not going to BE any financial aid beyond any federal loans you qualify for. You will receive NO financial aid in the form of grants from the university as an out-of-state student.

Nursing at UA is extremely competitive and requires, at the minimum, a 3.5 GPA to qualify. Not sure how many students ever transfer in, even from within UA.

Please run the net price calculator to see what your annual costs will be. Alabama is a wonderful school, but it costs approximately $40,000 a year for OOS students.

GPA? Science GPA? Have you satisfied the prerequisites outlined for lower division pre/nursing at Bama? Bama’s BSN program includes five semesters of upper division coursework in addition to the four semesters of lower division prerequisites, and admission is highly competitive. Those accepted into the program begin upper division during the summer or fall semester with summer promotion being the most competitive. Three things are considered strongly: science GPA, cumulative GPA in lower division prerequisites, and preference for completing a set number of those credits at the UA. Usually only a few seats are awarded to transfer students. OOS tuition would be pricey for five semesters or more. Your most affordable option at this point might be to consider an RN program within a CC in your home state followed by an RN to BSN program which Bama and other schools offer.

I’m sure financial aid and loans will cover the cost but I would love to make the load on my parents and myself as light as possible.

I’m not sure you fully understand–there’s not going to BE any financial aid beyond any federal loans you qualify for. You will receive NO financial aid in the form of grants from the university as an out-of-state student.



Right. Your opportunity for merit scholarships was when you were an incoming freshman. If you were awarded any scholarships when you applied a year or two ago, those awards are no longer applicable because you’d be a transfer student.

Students get accepted into the nursing program towards the end of sophomore year. What kind of grades have you been getting?