Transfering in to UC?

<p>Do any of you have experience as a transfer going in to UC? Do you know someone who has?</p>

<p>Are you willing to share your experience as a transfer?</p>

<p>Any info is good info.</p>


<p>Four close friends of mine were tranfer students; from Yale, Duke, UVA and Rice. They joined UofC as a second year. They went through the similar orientation program as the first year would. Then, they were well integrated into the school. trying to complete the core requirement. </p>

<p>The major difficulty for them was getting used to the quarter system. They all commented on the "tough" grading system, but agreed that the academic rigor & the quality of education and students were simply top-notch.</p>

<p>jamesrhino - thank you.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>You might want to PM neverborn about this. He is a transfer student at the U. of C.</p>

<p>(neverborn, hope that is okay with you. =) )</p>


<p>Neverborn? You out there? I did a search for that name but nothing came up.</p>

<p>Oh, he definitely is out there (I know him in person). Just write a PM and send it to him.</p>