Transfering SU courses to UM?

<p>My daughter is taking 3 SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advance) classes at her high school.. they're like AP but there are taught through adjunt professors trained by Syracuse University. These courses are taught throughout many high schools in NYS. </p>

<p>Has anyone had any experience transferring credit for these courses to UM?

<p>I guess I’ll answer my own question - in speaking with UM adminissions as well as SU folks in the SUPA dept, it seems that there usually is not any issue transferring these credits. Unless the course is part of the core curricula of your major, you’d probably be able to get credit - and even then, it may end up being counted for elective credit.

<p>Credits and actual grades were accepted at UM and SUNY Buffalo for both my kids. Just send your transcript along to the schools you are applying to. This is free. There is a form to send to Syracuse.</p>