Transfering to UF (Nursing) -Few Questions

<p>Alrite so I'm currently down here at FGCU (Florida Gulf Coast Univeristy) and have my hopes set on transfering to UF next Fall and entering their nursing program. I have a few questions about the transfer, but I'll list my credentials first.</p>

<p>I will have 62 credit hours by the end of this semester
4.0 Pre-Prof GPA
4.0 Overall GPA
President's List (Both Years)
I only have one more pre-req which is Micro-Bio and I'm taking that right now. When I'm done with that I'll have all pre-reqs accomplished.</p>

<p>-If I will have 62 credit hours by the time I am done with this semester, will they look at my SAT/ACT scores? My highschool weighted GPA was 4.7 but I didn't take the SAT/ACT seriously and got 1050 on my SAT and a 21 on my ACT. </p>

<p>-I sent my application/transcript during last semester so they only got my first year GPA and my classes in progress. Should I re-send another transcript to show that I got a 4.0 last semester as well?</p>

<p>-And for ****s and giggles, what would be my chances?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Despite your unexplainable low SAT/ACT, yes you are in at UF with a 4.0 and 62 credits do you really even have to ask? Obviously, you will get in. My only question is how you had a 4.7 in high school and a 4.0 in college but only got a 21 ACT and 1050 SAT? Even if you weren’t trying that hard, you still shouldve been able to get a 24 and a 1600 at worst.</p>

<p>I would resend transcript, but you can call to ask first. They shouldn’t care about SAT/ACT with that many credits, in fact I know people who got in without ever taking it because the requirement goes away after 60 credits (for business at least). Was that 1050 on the old 2 part test or is that out of 2400 though? They favor kids from CC’s I believe (especially santa fe in gainesville), so I don’t know how that could affect you, but I would hope they would accept someone with a 4.0. I have heard of some strange things happening to kids with UF though, so nothing would surprise me (I know a 4.0 CC kid who got rejected while know many around 3.5 who were accepted from same school, but again, this is for business).</p>