Transferring and SATs scores..

Hey guys!

I was hoping you guys could shed some light about the current situation I’m in. When I took the SATs back in high school ( sophomore in college now ), I didn’t do to hot ( I got a 1620 ). I studied immensely for this exam and was ranging in 2300s but the day before the exam, my father died and it should fucked me up during the exam. I never retook it and decided to just go to my local state school because I wanted to stay closer to home. Well, now that I am a sophomore in college, I realized that I lost the opportunity to get into my dream school ( Bowdoin ) and really want to transfer. I have a 4.0 GPA in college and had perfect stats also in HS. Should I apply and send the SATs score in or should I retake them first?

It depends on the school. Do you know
