<p>long story short, I want opinions on if it's worth it to transfer as a second semester sophomore, because I already might want to, but I'm terrified and worried it'd be a bad idea. I've posted backstory, though. </p>
<p>I'm a rising sophomore in college, and my first year didn't go so well. Academically it went as well as I could've hoped for-- I loved most my classes, I had great professors, and I was able to do very well. I love the academic aspect of the school, it's everything else I had a problem with. </p>
<p>The social part was the hardest. I was fine in high school. It did take me a little while, but I made the greatest friends ever, and I had plenty of them.. not trying to sound conceited, I'm just saying, I am perfectly capable of making and holding onto friends. But last year in college, it just wasn't working. I tried to get involved. I joined various clubs, tried the sorority thing, went to parties. I could've done more, but I'm naturally a little reserved and self-conscious around people at first, so it's harder for me in general. I wasn't a recluse, though. I just couldn't find my niche, I couldn't fit into the social environment at all. And to make things worse, the best friend I made there, the girl I was inseparable with, is transferring. There aren't many other people I was able to connect with.</p>
<p>I also just don't like the party/night scene of the school-- it's all frat/sorority parties, and they aren't that fun since the school is so small and I'm not part of that scene. I also don't like how small the campus is, square feet-wise. It's not a lot of land.. and I know that's a dumb complaint, but it does make me feel a little suffocated. </p>
<p>So basically, at the end of the year, I had applied to transfer to my state university. I have many different friend groups there, I've met my friends' friends and got along with them SO much better than I got along with anyone from my school, and socially it seemed right. I also liked the campus and the whole idea of the school just because I feel like it's a place I can grow at, whereas my current school doesnt give me that same feeling.</p>
<p>But in the end, I never transferred. The academic environment made me nervous, and I didnt want to let go of what I currently have. I was also afraid of transferring. I knew I'd have to live off campus, and I didnt want that. And I didn't want to be just a number (although I'd be in the Honors College). I also stupidly fell into the whole "lack of prestige" thing. I know it's shallow, but I didnt want to be just another kid who goes to that school from here. Going to a small LAC sounds so much better than going to the state university.. and I was worried future employers would feel the same. </p>
<p>Well.. NOW I'm about to start my sophomore year at the same school I attended last year, and I'm dreading it. I don't want to go back at all, which is hard when all my friends are so excited to head back to college. I just hate the idea of being back there.. so I'm already considering being a second semester sophomore transfer. But my question is, is that hard to do? Is there even a point? I'm worried because I really want to study abroad for a semester, and it would be my junior year, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to do that if I transferred, especially if some of my credits don't go through. </p>
<p>Do a lot of people transfer second semester sophomore year? How does it work out? Are my reasons for transferring even legitimate, or should I just tough it out for the next 2 1/2-3 years? I just really wish I loved college...</p>
<p>sorry this is so long!</p>