transferring deom csu to uc

<p>i recently read a post that was suggesting that it was better to attend a CC if i want to transfer to a UC instead of tranferring from CSU. im reconderrign going to a CC, but i have already enrolled into a CSU (SFSU) and this is my first semester. i want to go to CAL, been a dream college, and from what im hearing from this site transferring from a CC is alot better than transferring from a CSU.</p>

<p>what are my chance of transferring if i stay at SFSU
and i was was to transfer from sfsu to a CC how much does the one semester i finised at SFSU help or hinder my chances?? </p>

<p>ty in advance, all and any criticism are welcomed</p>

<p>im basically in the same boat as you. im trying to decide whether to go to a CSU to transfer if i dont get accepted to UCR.</p>

<p>a lot of people say its more difficult to transfer from csu to uc but i often find they don't have any evidence to base it upon.</p>

<p>i don't doubt its more difficult. i know that community college kids have priority, but i don't think that totally means csu to uc transfer is impossible. the question of transferring from CSU to UC is quite ambiguous. i suggest asking CSU and UC counselors for a primary account.</p>

<p>i did today my csu school counselor told me that transferring from a csu to a uc is very difficult for the simple fact that high schoolers and CC transfers have first priority before csu students.</p>

<p>but i agree with you when you said its not impsible,,,im going to stick with csu and try my luck</p>