Transferring from an UK law school to a Canadian or US law school

Currently I am a first year undergraduate student at a top 10 UK law school and I am planning to transfer to a Canadian law school. Is that possible?
What about transferring to a US law school?
My first option is Canada, due to the fact that my family moved there recently and I want to be with them.
By the way, I am not a UK citizen, nor a Canadian one.

Don’t know about Canada.

In the US law school is a post-grad course, done after a 4 year undergrad. If you are doing undergrad law - even if you are at Oxford / Cambridge - you will only be able to transfer into a US undergrad.

Thanks! But will I be able to transfer without losing my first year?

The structure of a US university is so completely different- and varies a good bit by university- that the best you are likely to get is credit toward graduation for some of your modules, and probably not enough to account for a full year of undergrad.

Imo, if you do transfer to the US, look for colleges with more flexible core requirements (also known as distribution requirements or General Education) ([url=<a href=“”>]here[/url] is a list of 9 top ones, and their requirements).

You could also bail on your current course and re-start undergraduate in January in Canada- info [url=<a href=“”>]here[/url]. Application deadlines vary depending on the college, but are generally Nov-Jan, for a start date of January 2016.

You cannot enter Canadian law schools either. You would need to try and transfer as an undergrad at then apply to a law school.

Thank you so much for your answers! Really helpful