Transferring from CC to UC, will med schools look down upon that?

So my grades in HS were crap to be honest so I’m thinking about attending a CC before transferring to UCSB or UCLA. Here is the problem: I have done some online research and most medical schools look down upon people who take their pre-med requirements at a CC. But my major choice, which is Biochemistry, requires for me to take most-if not all my general sciences at the CC prior to transfer, which most of the general sciences are also pre-med requirements. Will medical schools look down upon this?

CC–>4 year college, while non-ideal, will not in and of itself keep you out of med school IF everything else about your application is strong.

You will need to take upper level sciences at your 4 year college–and excel in those classes-- to demonstrate that your (hopefully) excellent CC grades were not a fluke. You will also need to delay your med school application until after your college graduation in order to have 2 full years of 4 year college grades to support your application.

You need to be aware there are some medical schools that do not accept CC credits for pre-reqs–including several of your California in-state publics and privates. This will limit which med schools you can apply to.

So I take my MCAT senior year of college, and once I get my MCAT score, apply to medical school in my senior year of college?

You will take your MCAT as soon as you’re prepared to do so. You could take it during your junior year if you wish. Scores are valid for 3 years from the date of the test.

You will apply to med schools the June AFTER college graduation. At the very earliest–assuming you have a very competitive application.

I’d suggest you take Mcat after your completion of the orgo and physics classes, they will help you in Mcat testing.