Transferring FROM "top" schools

<p>Hey, I posted something about this a long time ago, but it seems like the transfer board has really picked up since then, so maybe there will be more of a response this time around.</p>

<p>Have any of you transferred FROM "top" schools (such as Ivies)? If so, why did you decide to leave your school? Where did you transfer to - another "top" school or a lesser-known one? Did you take time off in between? Was transferring worth it? If you considered transferring but didn't, are you happy with your decision?</p>

<p>I am considering transferring from my Ivy school, and I would love to hear from other people who have been through a similar decision process. Thanks!</p>

<p>i can't speak for myself, but since no one has responded...i have a friend who transferred from Harvard to NYU to be a film major. NYU is still a "top" school but you get the picture. he was more than pleased with his decision since it was what he wanted. he could care less about the prestige. he loved the atmosphere, people, urban setting, etc. at NYU. so it doesn't matter what school you're going to or from, as long as the school offers an awesome program in your major and at the same time suits you.</p>

<p>post script: by saying, "it doesn't matter what school you're going to or from", i was referring to the hype, obsession, and elitism that is associated with certain schools. because of course, you should always aim for the best.</p>

<p>I'm transferring from Penn to UNC for my sophomore year. Time alone can tell if it was the right decision, but I feel deep down now that it is. And i don't think anyone should ignore their gut feelings, whether they're about Ivies or anything else in life. A lot of people at Penn and elsewhere think I'm crazy for leaving the Ivy League, but then again many people thought from NC thought I was crazy for turning down UNC's offer senior year. In the end, only you know what you're giving up and getting in exchange, and in some cases "trading down" isn't really a loss at all. I will say though that I had a Princeton grad friend who begged me to stay I vy for its advantages, though she was getting her PhD from UNC, but I'm happy about my decision. If you're thinking about transferring, lilac, my only advice is to not be afraid of losing the Ivy League status if it doesn't make you happy.</p>

<p>I don't know; UNC is a pretty damn good school.</p>

<p>I know a few UPenn people are transferring to UVA along with one Harvard undergrad also transferring...donĀ“t blame them...UVA is an amazing school :)</p>

<p>I'm thinking about transfering from an Ivy to a state school or to a smaller college that is part of a consortium.</p>

<p>The reasons, are these:
(1) My current school is not relaxed; People seem to stay to themselves.
(2) The school/city seem to be slightly aloof.
(3) The school believes the hype, self-generated and otherwise, about it being the best at EVERYTHING!!!
(4) The college is not really open to debate or opposing opinions.
(5) Its ostensibly welcoming of difference, but the admin is more, well like a government: relatively unresponsive unless it gets press.</p>

<p>I don't mean to be critical, as I say it with some love. It's just that I prefer the laidback and friendly nature of my hometown in the Pacific Northwest to the low keyed undercurrent of elitism that often turns into an attitude/belief that certain people know better than others what should be done about the lives of ALL people, at my current school. As for the seems more down-to-earth and connected to normal life. Hardworking without the attitude.</p>

<p>Hope my $.02 is useful.</p>