Transferring in for Fall 2007?

<p>im still pending</p>

<p>I checked the website yesterday afternoon, and they finally posted their decision: admitted.</p>

<p>For those of you who have not heard anything yet, hang on. Don't think that because you haven't heard from them, they're not going to pick you up. I'm on Spring Break, and forgot about all of that until today, when on a whim, I decided to check the site. Believe me, I was checking their site multiple times every day, ever since they began releasing decisions last month. Relax - things seem to always happen when you least expect it. And if it makes you feel any better at all, my numbers (stats) are not as stellar as some of those who've posted their numbers on this forum.</p>

my gpa compared to most everyone on this website is pretty low(3.3), and I've gotten into UCSD and UCSB so far, so I wouldnt worry.</p>

<p>Congrats bobbak on SD! I'm still waiting on them.</p>

<p>if you guys go, are you thinking about signing up for the "transitions" program? I got a packet about it with the acceptance letter.
I still don't know if I'd go because I really wanna live on campus.</p>

<p>those who plan on going, who is doing summer session, and where do you plan on living</p>

<p>I sent in my SIR after going to Spring Insight yesterday! i'm going to the summer session and living in manzanita village (just for the summer though).</p>

<p>I was reading somewhere that its better for transfers who do the summer session to sign up for the "B" session, which i think runs from august to september. does it really matter?</p>

<p>if i decide to go, i will sign up for both session, 2 classes each session - this will be better than UCR at least since they do not have an 8 unit cap. Any idea of costs for manzanita?</p>