<p>First off I'd like to apologize if I'm in the wrong forum as I'm not yet terribly familiar with College Confidential. What I'd really like is an idea of where I stand acceptance wise for the UC's. I know how impossible its becoming to get accepted as a freshman let alone as a transfer and I'd love some insight to better prepare myself. I applied last year but didn't get in to any of the schools I wanted, I'll let you know what I've done differently this time around.</p>
<p>I know a lot of people say that it depends on a lot of different factors and with the current economic situation transfers are almost not happening at all. I also know the state of the UC's aren't what they use to be and more and more schools are accepting out of staters because they pay more money. Still, any information or suggestion would be appreciated. </p>
<p>I'm majoring in Philosophy and want to minor in International Relations. (mild variations would be fine i.e. ethics or political science)</p>
<p>My GPA is my weakest aspect, I have a 3.3 with two F's on my record (although I retook those classes with passing or higher grades) I have a good reason for those F's and my low GPA. I've been helping to support myself and my family (mom and sister) since my father left when I was 15. This resulted in me having to leave high school early to get a full time job. I worked full time while in school (at times two jobs) and there were times were it was just impossible to do everything, sadly this resulted in a few bad grades.</p>
<p>SAT scores: 790 in writing, 790 in reading and 690 in math</p>
<p>I have about 1000 hours of volunteer at the local rape counseling center were I am a certified advocate and I was advocate of the year. I also have about 200 hours at the local no kill shelter and I have committed to volunteering at an orphanage in Thai Land for three months in the spring.</p>
<p>I am pretty confident in my essay and am using this site to help guide necessary changes. Aside from volunteering and helping support my family I have sent myself on two trips to Europe where I backpacked either alone or with a few friends. I have been promoted within 3 months of every job I've ever gotten. And I speak also speak french and am teaching myself Arabic, Japanese, and Thai.</p>
<p>I know academically I'm not really special but I think I have a decent story and I've worked incredibly hard to get to where I am. Sorry it was so long I really hope someone can give me some insight. I know college is what you make of it but there are some aspects to these schools that you can't recreate.</p>