Transferring to Beloit (a few miscellaneous questions)

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m waiting on an admission decision from Beloit, which is my top choice as I’m hoping to transfer out of the University of Florida. I guess I just have some broad questions for anyone who has any insight on the school or what it’s like to transfer there. Being so small, do you think it would be difficult to settle in given that everyone in my year has probably formed their friend groups? One of the main reasons I want to leave UF is due to it’s massive student population (50,000+). I feel really insignificant as a student there and I regret not going to a small LAC from the beginning. I’m just really nervous about making solid friendships as I’ll hopefully be starting late in the game.

Besides that, if anyone here has any experience with the admissions process of Beloit (specifically transfers), do you know if final decisions are mailed or posted online? I know that they’ve only started to review the applications on the 15th, but I’m insanely eager.

Thank you!!!

My daughter is transferring in as a junior from another small LAC. She was sent her letter of acceptance last week and got her packet this week. The campus is really friendly and she knows a few people going there that told her making friends will not be an issue. I assume you will go to orientation in August and meet other new students so don’t worry.

@knowstuff Thank you! I figured they sent letters but I wasn’t sure :slight_smile:

Awesome that your daughter is transferring as well! I’m super anxious for my decision. There was an issue with my transcripts not being sent when I ordered them, so my app was incomplete for a lot longer than I anticipated. Fingers crossed!

Same with her transcripts. You will be fine. Report back when you hear. When I said “sent a letter” I meant email… But she did get her packet with official letter last Friday… Good luck.