Were you receiving help from the Student Ability Center? They are generally really good at advocating for your coursework. I worked a lot of years, at a high school with students on the spectrum, of all levels. Before they were accepted to their universities, we had already linked them up with the colleges’ Ability centers.
If you didn’t use the Student Ability Center, then did you advocate for yourself and attempt to advise the Registrar that you had already received credit for A’s in these courses in High School? Did you meet with the Registrar at your current school to explain the content of those courses? College students are expected to advocate for themselves, especially when they are wronged.
Yes, please explain how a degree from your university is worthless.
Also, I don’t understand how your prefer to go to BC because you’re similar to the students, from your income level, who originally harassed you, and yet, that’s what you want. You want a more prestigious school and to make enough “money to live in the nice parts of Boston or NYC”. Didn’t some of your HS classmates go to Boston College?
No one can tell you if you will deal will narcissists at BC. But you probably will find some. You find those types at every university. They may be your former classmates. Every school has its share of jerks and self-centered students. The trick is to deal with it through help from others and staff (Student Ability Center)
Are you currently safe at your school? If so, why would you transfer?
According to you:
You like to party, but you don’t like to drink, and your current school is a dry campus.
It is very confusing and a contradictory. Your next university will ask why you are transferring.
If you plan on transferring, apply to a large university where there will be a myriad of courses, activities, and restaurants. If I were you, I wouldn’t advertise that your current school is worthless. It’s not a view other universities want to hear from any prospective student.