-I am trying to transfer to Michigan and am wondering how hard it is and how strict they are about a minimum GPA of a 3.0. I have a 2.9 but I at the school I’m at I play a sport which requires 15-20 hours a week obviously hurting my academic performance. Do schools take that into consideration.
-Also, does writing letters further explaining your interest in the school help your cause?
Walter, the 3.0 minimum GPA is merely a floor. The majority of successful transfer applicants have college GPAs well over 3.5. I am not sure you have any chance of being admitted with a sub 3.0 college GPA. Michigan usually receives 4,000 transfer requests and typically admits 1,500 of those. Most of them will have GPAs in the 3.7-4.0 range.
The GPA 3.0 cut off is perhaps the minimum with considering all possible reasons including athlete recruits. Typically you need a much better GPA to transfer.