Transferring to USC from UC's

<p>I am a freshman at UC Santa Cruz, and would like to transfer to USC next year as I heard they accept freshman transfers. The reason for the transfer would be because I like USC's engineering program much more. How hard would this be if I had around a 3.7 gpa? I am a CE major, and this semester I took Calculus 19A, Intro to robot automation, and the required english class, and received a 3.7 GPA. Next semester I am taking Calculus 19B, Computer Systems and assembly language, and Accelerated intro to programming. Spring Quarter I will be taking Multivariable Calc, Engineering Ethics, and Intro to Data structures. I am also part of the IEEE club at UCSC, and are/will be doing several projects. Would all my units transfer over?</p>

<p>You will need to investigate the transfer students section on the USC website. You can find information here:
[Transfer</a> Credit & Policy - USC Undergraduate Admission](<a href=“]Transfer”></p>