Transferring to UW Madison

I am attempting on transferring to Madison for the Fall 2016 semester for my sophomore year. I just spent my first semester at UMass Amherst with 15 credits and a 2.8 GPA. In high school I had a cumulative GPA of about 3.4 weighted and got a 2000 on the SAT. I understand my GPA is lower than the average transfer’s but I was diagnosed with mono in mid November that caused me to miss a chemistry lab and to postpone a math test for a month later. I did mention this on my transfer application. I realized the odds are currently against me but I would just like to know my chances at admission for next fall. Any feedback is appreciated and any tips on how to improve my application/chances are also welcome. Thanks!!!

To be honest, I’d say it’s unlikely. Are you a resident? Hopefully you’ll get postponed instead of being denied upfront, just try your best to get your cumulative up to a 3.4 next semester and you can try appealing if you are denied. Of course I’m not exactly an expert on Madison admissions, but your chances are not looking great, sorry :confused:

I appreciate your honesty, thank you!