Transfer Chances for fall 2013?

<p>Hi all,
I am considering transferring to Madison next fall. I am currently enrolled at Amherst College, however, it has not come through with all my expectations. Last fall I was admitted to UW-Madison, but chose Amherst over Madison. </p>

<p>Here are my credentials:
High School:
- 3.89 unweighted GPA
- on admissions team, volleyball team, math team, volunteered with Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Feed My Starving Children, made Christmas baskets for less fortunate families, went on several mission trips
- 30 ACT; 10 on writing
- took 16 credits this semester [intro to chem, intro to calc, advanced spanish, and secrets and lies]
- enrolled for 16 credits next semester [chemical principles, intro to psych, spanish in the community, gender and science]
- current GPA is a 3.0 -- that's what I am most worried about.</p>

<p>I am also Puerto Rican, my father was in the military, and neither of my parents had education higher than high school.</p>

<p>Do you think I will admitted as a transfer student? Amherst is a great school, so I'm just hoping that is taken into consideration while evaluating my drop in GPA.</p>

<p>Pretty good unweighted GPA, but I’m not too sure. Based on that and your test scores, I’d say you have a pretty good chance.</p>

<p>Definitely in if your Amherst grades are good. Hang in there and do your best next semester. Take advantage of being there and get the most out your experience.</p>