
I’m going to Alvin community college my freshman year because of a horrible gpa in highschool like a 2.6 and I want to transfer to sam Houston after a year at acc I emailed sam Houston and they said in order to transfer I need a 2.5 gpa and 12 trasferable credits and sam Houston pairs with acc. Do u guys think it’s possible

@ashelykk At most universities, the minimum GPA to transfer (in this case, a 2.5 for UofH) is what one needs at a minimum to apply to transfer but is not a guarantee for acceptance.

According to this site, you will need at minimum, 15 hours. But since you are doing your whole freshman year at Alvin CC, you could come away with 24 or more hours by the end of Spring 2019.

Admission Requirements (Starting Spring 2019)
2.5 overall college GPA (15 or more credit hours earned)
2.25 - 2.49 overall college GPA will be considered by Individual Review*
Transfer students with fewer than 15 hours (fewer than 30 hours for business majors) must submit an official final high school transcript and an official ACT/SAT score
*Individual Review: The University of Houston individually reviews applicants who do not meet the assured admissions criteria. Coursework and rigor is taken into consideration by a faculty-led review committee.

The GPA you earn at ACC is up to you. Yes, you can definitely do it. It will require self discipline to attend class every day, take good notes, do your assignments to the best of your ability and study. You could do very, very well.

Do you know what field you want to major in at UofH? I ask this because you could find the Degree Plan Worksheet (online of they offer it or from advising) and make sure that all/most of the classes you take at ACC will count towards that degree.

Example: lets say you want to major in Art. Here is a degree plan worksheet (yea, it’s an old one off the internet but you could get a current one from advising).

So, your first year, you take English 1303 and 1304, History 1377 and 1378, Political Science 1336 and 1337. According to the Texas Common Course Numbering System, I don’t see ARTH 1380 and 1381 listed for ACC, so you would have to take those at UofH.

So, you would need to choose at least two more classes from the worksheet, which would satisfy the University Core Curriculum, such as one class from Social and Behavioral Sciences and Math or Life and Physical Sciences. Here is a list of the UCC.

If you know the College you are interested in, set up and advising appointment at UofH and also at ACC, so that you can make sure you don’t take a class that will not count towards the degree plan and you stay on the right track. It may transfer, but it is not beneficial to you if it doesn’t count towards anything.

Good Luck!!!

Wow thank you so much

No I want to attend sam Houston I want to major in biology pre dentistry

and my highschool gpa was not good a 2.6 … so if I do 15 hours each semester they wouldn’t check my highschool things ? Acc lots of students go there for a year then transfer to University’s I’m going to make sure I het higher than a 2.5 gpa so they could hopefully accept me

I am sorry I got Sam Houston and U of Houston mixed up.

That said, there should be a degree plan online for Sam Houston or you could get one from an advisor there. Make an appointment to visit with an advisor in the biology department at Sam Houston and get advise from them what path to follow. The same scenario may play out as I outlined above.

Here is where it is tricky. What you will be able to take at ACC to apply towards the degree plan at SH won’t be any upper level courses in all likelihood and will be the University Core Curriculum (UCC). If you took AP classes in high school, many of those AP courses cover the UCC. So, if you have a lot of those satisfied, that may mean less you can take at CC. So, if you do have a lot of AP’s, you may have to take come classes at ACC that will transfer, but won’t necessarily be applied to the degree. But that is ok!

You can certainly make above a 2.5. Balance any schedule with classes you know you can manage. Don’t take too many really hard ones at one time. Balance it with something easier. Make your classes your focus and priority but don’t forget to relax and unwind after your responsibilities are done. You need that balance too.

Though your high school GPA wasn’t the best, show improvement with your first semester in college and follow that with a good second semester performance. Getting from high school Senior to college graduate can be messy. Keep striving to do your best and putting one foot in front of the other. If you stumble, it is not fatal. There are ways to get back on track and moving forward.

You got this.

If you want to be predental and get into dental school, do you realize that your GPA needs be MUCH higher than a 2.5? You need to aim for a 3.7 GPA or better. Are you capable of that? If so, whey is your high school GPA low?

Yes it will be higher than a 2.5 that was my highschool gpa it wasn’t my grades I missed a lot of school because of family issues … but I’m doing my best rn