Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

My respectful rating may go down after making this post…lol.

I’m sort of a more recent Bachelor/Bachelorette watcher - probably the last few seasons.

Tomorrow night starts a BACHELORETTES season - 2 woman looking for 1 man each! (I’m assuming…) The Bachelorettes are Gabby and Rachel from last Bachelor season which was largely a train wreck (more than usual).

It’s summer and time for some not too serious fun! Will anyone be watching that it’s worth having an ongoing thread??? We’ve had some fun tv threads - reality included - here on CC.

Only “yes” responses need respond! (Or at least don’t come on just to bash the show/franchise…)


I’ll be watching. The 2 bachelorette concept is not new, despite how ABC hypes it. Both NZ and Australia did it. I saw the AU season. Granted the 2: bachelorettes were sisters, so there was not the drama one might expect.

Hopefully Jesse Palmer gets more comfortable in the hosting role.

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I was an early Bachelor adopter but have tapered my viewing in the past few years. But I like Gabby so may turn in tomorrow and decide whether I want to keep up with it this season.


I LOVE Gabby. There is something so down-to-earth about her. I watch most of the shows, but turn it off when they have a “trashy” group date. Unfortunately there always seems to be one show that gets raunchy.

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Agree that Gabby is my Fav and is HILARIOUS- at least as far as Bachelorette contestants go!

As usual no spoilers before a show airs, but expect episode spoilers when an episode airs!

Thanks for the heads up (didn’t know it was starting). I do watch, but I like to record it so I can fast forward through the stupid parts and the commercials.

I’ve watched from season #1. My girls were about 5 years old (would never let a 5 year old watch now) and they liked the dresses.

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I’ll probably do what I’ve been doing the past few seasons – I watch the first episode and if I don’t love the contestants I read Reality Steve spoilers and move on.

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Indeed! No shame in enjoying pure bs tv! I’ve actually enjoyed a few seasons and there have been some really genuinely nice women & men I’ve rooted for (looking at you Michelle Young! Who I hear just split from Nayte - good! He was not good enough for you!)

DVR is all cued up, new container of popcorn purchased. Bring it! :rofl:


I started watching with my daughter when she was in 6th grade in 2010. We were staying at a hotel because she was playing in an honors jazz band and we flipped on the TV. That started a long tradition of watching it with her whenever she lives nearby. She comes over every week and we watch the taped show. My husband laments that if he wants to talk to his daughter he has to watch the stupidest show ever. :sweat_smile:


Sounds like we have enough people “IN” to watch - Feel free to post comments after episodes. I often don’t watch or finish the episode the night the show airs - which is probably true for many - so I’ll only jump on the thread after I’ve watched.

@JustaMom I like Michelle as well. And didn’t care for Nayte. He grew on me though through their social media after the show. I was sad when I saw they broke up - seemingly right at the 6 month mark - I feel like that is a mark they are sort of “bound” to play along with the relationship?

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I’ll be watching as well. I usually record the show and start watching about a half hour after it starts so I can skip all the commercials. I find both women’s voices rather annoying but am interested in the concept. It will be interesting to see which guys are there for which girl. Or will they all be falling “in love” with both of them?

I liked Michelle but heard that she had quit her teaching job for something else, maybe something in TV? It seems like lately everyone is looking for fame and Instagram likes instead of love.

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She did decide not to go back to teaching - for now anyway. I have to believe it might be hard to go back in the classroom after being on a national platform, on a bit of a risqué show, balance the gigs/appearances that go along with that notoriety - especially when you’re a loved contestant. Honestly, I think Michelle could easily do some modeling.

There is some talk about how many guys there will be. The initial roster has 30ish guys. But that is typical for ONE bachelorette. Will they bring in more guys at some point??? We will see!

Not to be cynical, but is there any Bachelorette that has not utilized the experience to catapult their career to a higher level, more often into an unrelated field? The closest I can guess off the top of my head would be Ashley, but even her practice would not have been built to its current level without the show.

And it’s got to be difficult for the school, as well as for Michelle, to return to the “normal” life if a grade school teacher.

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For sure. Bachelors and bachelorettes AND many, many reality contestants.

I’m not watching Bachelorette but we are certainly engaging in summer trash TV with Love Island UK ; )

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I’ve watched most seasons, it’s silly fun. It’s good background TV when I’m working late nights. Bachelor in Paradise is the one that’s really a great summer watch, though!

Absolutely. Bachelorettes are not unique in that respect.

I’ve never watched BP except for a few moments here and there when my D2 was watching. But probably will watch the upcoming one because I will know a lot of the contestants.

That’s the key phrase - summer watch. I don’t know how excited I would be to watch it in October, which is when the next season gets underway. Well, September 27, but basically October.

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Well, I personally hope she reconnects with the guy from her home town, the one who was flipping houses (trying to better his hometown) and was mentally challenged from the George Floyd murder which kept him (the guy) from re-contacting Michelle after they had connected through IG…they had so much in common, and he seemed actually genuine.

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