Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Is she the one who one the :rose: pre-show? I’m not a fan - she doesn’t like that her 15 minutes of fame might be up!

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Yes. Very attractive woman and the camera seems to catch her every expression.

Very attractive, but no sense of humor at all. Like, like like (can they all stop saying like?) did she really think Christina hated her or was just saying “I’m so jealous you have a rose!”


I was shocked Zach (Zachy, Zachariah…yuck, what was that with that woman!!) kept Brianna. He seemed SO not into her and her conversation when he was talking with her. She is sort of a mess. She must feel she has to live up to that pre-show rose for some reason. It certainly wasn’t really based on anything!

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Does anyone follow BachelorData on IG? She doesn’t post spoilers.

Today she shared that six of the last 14 first one-on-one dates became a Bachelorette. She posed the question, “Do producers use this spot to test for their favorites for Bachelorette? Or, does getting the first big slot of individual, focused screen time make you a fan favorite?”

We know Gabby chose Nate for the first one-on-one date and producers had their eye on him as the next Bachelor. I’m thinking Christina’s date was also a test of her popularity with fans

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Finally finished this week’s episode - Christina (Mandrell) did somewhat surprise me - I got a sense of sincerity from her. It is weird that they use her last name, and I wonder if her “people” put that in a contract. Yes, I do assume she has “people” -

I like the young woman who got the first impression rose (night one, not America’s choice). I hope she’s around for awhile -

I still think he’s boring.

You mean Greer? She’s definitely interesting but she talks about herself in the third person and got into a little controversy about previously defending someone in blackface. It will definitely be interesting to see how far some of these contestants go. I was surprised he gave Brianna a rose.

Yep, blackface incident, :heavy_check_mark: for the season! :roll_eyes:

Apparently she apologized for defending her friend who she claimed was dressed as a “shadow”.

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Every season there seems to be something dredged up about someone’s past. More drama , controversy.

Bumping up for this week’s discussion - though I haven’t finished watching yet!

My comment half way through the show…Christina MANDRELL is on this show to gain momentum in her role/career as a “content creator” - I don’t think Zach is her type at all, but the she knows she’ll get a boost from the show.

Also, I’m jumping out of a plane for NOBODY. :slight_smile:

The woman who had the night at the museum date…a “K” name? - two comments, unrelated:

  1. Zach DOES seem her type. She seems genuinely into him. Also, she must have had a rough previous relationship - she seems so much to want a man to take care of her?
  2. Something about her…she is either sort of sheltered, or a little dense, or immature…or…? Does anyone else get that vibe??

I think I like this season better than last season. They seem to be showing us a little more of the conversations between the lead and the contestants. I say “a little” because there are still some women that I know nothing about.

I don’t know how much the lead really calls the shots vs production but Zach seems to be getting rid of drama, and people he isn’t attracted to, much earlier and much easier than other leads.


I agree. I know some people here think Zach is boring or don’t like him, but so far he seems like one of the more normal, likeable ones to me. But, time will tell! I wonder when and, if, his uncle will show up!


They uncle may be at hometowns but I don’t think the uncle needs this to boost his career.

However, the band last night was Jesse Palmer’s cousin. In the past, they’ve had musical guests that I’ve never heard of. Usually, the lead and the date seem familiar with the musician, so I just figure that I am old and out of it. Griffen Palmer is a perfect example. Never heard of him until last night.

Normal :white_check_mark:
Boring :white_check_mark:
Likeable: sort of :white_check_mark:
Nice person: :white_check_mark:
Charisma: :x:
Dreamy: :x:
Attractive: for me, :x:
Very vanilla: :white_check_mark:

I noticed in their casting calls ads they are looking for “new” alternative contestants - senior age (?), male father???

Welp, finished watching. Guess Christina MANDRELL will not be growing her content creator business anymore due to the show!!!


I liked her last week on the date but boy did she do a 180 this week. Glad she is gone. The rest of the girls all seem pretty nice and supportive of each other.


Definitely - I got something I couldn’t describe, I wondered about it.

The episode was ho-hum.

Glad Mandrell is gone. Maybe less tears now.

Oh my! They weren’t that good either. Imagine the production meeting…”I’ve got this cousin…”:rofl:

Are you :yawning_face: yet??? :slight_smile:

I do have to say honestly, probably a good portion of contestants ARE going on the Bachelor/ette with the idea to grow their following. Maybe that’s reason #2, (the bachelor/ette being the first reason) but it’s likely often a reason!!! Didn’t love the girl who left for that and to me it seemed she didn’t really firmly deny or defend a statement she had made in some context to some of the girls. Don’t also really love the 25 year old nurse who was on the other side of that battle. ALL kinds of awkward when she interrupted Zach and influencer girl on the beach!

While I had lots of sympathy for the woman who suffered from domestic violence, taking that away, I didn’t feel like they had chemistry.

If Zach asks one more woman, “can I kiss you?” I’ll :face_vomiting:!!! LOL, I appreciate him not mauling anyone but it feels like a 15 year old asking a girl if she can be kissed!!!



Finally finished slogging through this week’s episode…What I will say in defense of this season (and there is very little to defend) is that there seems to be far less drama than usual…so last week, I was certain I was going to have to sit through the bulk of the season with Ms. Mandrell causing drama left & right, but nope…gone. This week, again, I was sure the 2 that were at it were going to be at it the rest of the season…but again, nope. I wonder if Zach has “people” (manager, agent, whatever) that wrote in the contract “no keeping drama just for the sake of drama” or something…

There are a couple of the women I kind of “like” Kaity, Greer and Ariel -