Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I was excited to finally see someone from my home state of North Dakota, but my excitement only lasted a few minutes.

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Yes, the woman from North Dakota was very over the top. I didn’t care for Ms. Mandrell either.

which one was she @toledo ???

She was the woman who interrupted and then forced a kiss.

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Madison from North Dakota.

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The cast w/pictures: The Bachelor, Cast, Characters and Stars

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Finished watching tonight. @toledo so sorry for your home state! Madison was SO annoying. I do have to say that Zach handles her pretty well.

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Happy to see her go

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The meatball thing with Cat was very weird.


Cool that Zach and one of the women are both from Austin. :slight_smile:

There’s something off putting about Zach to me, and I also can’t put my finger on it. I don’t find much (anything?) likable about him. His personality is odd, and I don’t think he’s even a little bit handsome or charming. In previous seasons I’ve found the bachelor or bachelorette at least somewhat likable - well maybe not Colton, he was just weird altogether!

But of course I’m watching.

Good riddance to the one who left pre-rose ceremony! I was worried I was going to have to deal with her for an entire season!

And yes, that meatball thing…:face_with_spiral_eyes:

I had to laugh at the terrible editing - dance party in the bus and seconds later everyone not sweating, dresses, hair, makeup perfect…

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At least Zach seems to show good judgement when it comes to the women.


Didn’t finish last night’s episode yet (but willing to be exposed to episode spoilers).

I do have to say that Zach so far genuinely seems like a normal nice guy. He is playing fair and honest to the women. But he also takes/keeps control of a situation. Like the former Bachelorette showing up expectedly - I was so glad he said “no go!” - meaning “go!”

Interesting to watch the date (his mom’s bday! Right off the bat, a family visit!) with Christina (?). And their exchange when she shared that she is a mother. He was stunned I think and didn’t make any promises and was honest. Really could she ask for more than that at this point? I wonder how far she will make it. She sure is comfortable in front of the camera - I thought she might be showy but so far, nope.

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Christina was kind of growing on me after last night’s episode (my first impression was that she WAS a bit “showy”). But, the trailers seem to show that she may be at the center of some drama to come! So, stay tuned!


No doubt she would be a “fight for your man” type of woman!!

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He’s just so young.

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He’s 26. Not that young???

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Why do they include Christina’s last name but none of the other last names?

Brianna is a very attractive woman and she gets a lot of air time. She seems to like the attention. I don’t feel that her tears were genuine or that her beef with Christina was that big of a deal.

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Production capitalizing on the Mandrell name.


I think they should flash their names and info every single time one of them speaks a word. There are so many of them that look the same I can’t keep them straight.

After the first night I looked them up with their pictures. There was one who was a nanny and from Switzerland? or somewhere like that. I don’t remember her at ALL.

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