Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

I think Zach is NOT your typical Bachelor - I wonder if he takes this so much more seriously in that:
If I come on this show that = me truly finding a woman to be engaged to and likely marry.

I don’t know if that is always the case. I think he VERY MUCH wants a partner after this - and I think he is keeping the agenda clean and tight - if he questions more than slightly if he can connect with you, you’re OUT. Sweep out the doubts.

Nothing wrong with any of that. Just less typical I think.


It is probably why they hooked him up with Sean. Sean was also looking for a like long partner.

I think producers may have reviewed the train wreck of Gabby and Rachel’s season. Viewers never got to know the guys and never saw any relationship develop. They seem to be showing us more of the relationships between the lead and various cast members this season.


I think he’s a decent bachelor but I feel like he tells all the girls the same thing. “You are here for a reason, I get butterflies with you, I see something in you”. Or some version of these comments. And then he makes out with them. He seems to have “deeper” conversations on the one on ones but those are usually just a sob story from the girl.

Also, can they have an indoor date if it’s hot out? I couldn’t even look at Zach with all that sweat on his face on his dinner date with Brooklyn.

Am I the only one who can’t tell the difference between Kat and Kaity? And they’re both nurses?


I didn’t get all that sweat either and kept wondering how that happened (don’t they have professionals, makeup people , on set to deal with that kind of thing). Surprised they even aired it , almost looked like oil or Vaseline on his face!

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Sean? I’m drawing a blank.

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He was SOOO sweaty - like literally had to be dripping on the table! Why the heck don’t they put them inside - and him in a SUIT!

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Sean Lowe. Bachelor season 17 in 2013. Probably before your time.

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Oh my goodness Sean looked so old! (kids will do that to us!) :rofl:

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Oy! The sweat!!! Disgusting. And for real, why was he in a suit? Yikes!

I was away for a week so watched both episode 3 and 4 this week. I thought they all looked very shiny in both rose ceremonies.

I think the ‘can I pull you away for a minute’ (which means a half hour) on the group dates have to some ‘alone time’ should stop. The bachelor/bachelorette should decide on when to break off. It just seems to cause all the drama that Zach doesn’t want. Group date? Stay with the group.

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My podcast said it well this morning… in 2023 Covid is like a big inconvenience! What a mess. What a boring week it had to be for those women! What a terrible day trip with it raining and no where to go on an upper deck bus!!! What a sad, SAD, time for Greer! - sarcasm. (sorry, I don’t like her and she really had a bad personality week).

I have to wonder if any of the women - especially Gabby who was making out with him hours before, also get Covid. Sounds like there was rumor that one person does. Gabby’s date (Gabbie?) was really an over the top one. I thought those girls were going to shun her when she showed up with all those bags!!!

Bummer for Charity. She is sweet, but almost too perfect for me in looks - like every dot of makeup and hair in place.

My guess for top 3 at this point: Gabby, Katie (spelled different I think), Kat(herine). Katie and Kat look SOOO much alike!

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Sounds like no. From an interview with the producers:

And there’s also there’s fear of, “Oh my gosh, he was just kissing Gabi last night. What if she gets COVID?” We got really lucky that it didn’t spread amongst the entire cast of women.

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At the very least, Gabbi should have been isolated from the group for a few days. It sounds like they “limited” her exposure with the rest of the cast.


This type of date (showering someone with gifts) has happened for several seasons now.

Just like the contestants are staged to be sitting on the sofas, casually chatting when the date card arrives, it is staged to have the contestants sit around and listen to someone gush about their one-on-one date.

I thought it looked annoyingly staged to have the girls walking arm in arm and holding hands as they arrived in London.

I hate the staged looks all the time, every show, not just this one!

I did like Greer - until this last episode…bad attitude, seems to not be into the process at all…I screen grabbed and cropped this from the article above…tells all. No one else was standing like this.

This last episode they did the best they could with what they had, but can I just say, I personally would find it very difficult to kiss someone who I know just had Covid, and was kissing on others. It might be the end of the road for me…

I hate the shower a contestant with so many gifts episodes…it just feels like a weird way to show affection. I found it very endearing that Kaity went and talked with Zach through his door. That felt more real than much of what we’re used to seeing.

On to the next episode…


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It was Kaity who took him the basket and talked to him through the door.

See?! They look alike! I believe that was Kaity.

AND there was a Cat that left earlier in the season!!

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I can’t be the only one who thought this was one ugly dress

On a related note ladies, don’t have a straight man pick your dress, but if you insist he does, it looks better with your hair up.

Pretty bad - I liked the color, but that was about all…