Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

And Gabi lives in Houston.

Zach played football at Cal Poly SLO

I’m appreciative of the very little (manmade) drama this season, and I appreciate that Zach seems to nip it in the bud quite quickly, but it’s still not that great of a season. I wasn’t that surprised by who went home, although I was surprised that the 3rd I’ve expected to see go hasn’t yet.

I now have 2 favorites…Kaity and Ariel - both seem like they would be a lovely choice for him.

That football pic above hardly even looks like him @lkg4answers - so completely different.

I wasn’t necessarily surprised, but I was kinda hoping to see grandpa at the hometowns.

Ariel is Jewish and Zach is Catholic. That may, or may not, be a factor. In his comments about why he broke it off with Rachel, he said, “We were having important conversations about religion and politics and all that stuff.”

I wondered if religion might play a factor when she mentioned she was Jewish.

While we never heard for sure, I now knowing (at least what has been set up to happen) that Zach believes that fantasy suites are a “no sex zone”, I wonder if that was what was the issue with him and Rachel.

Hometowns! What did you think? Also I’ve been next Bachelorette spoiled…if it’s true. :slight_smile: But of course won’t say anything here.

I still think Kaity is the winner. I think he just really vibes so much with her. And her with him. She seems secure in herself more than like Gabi or Charity.

I thought Gabi seemed really young in her visit. Her families property was beautiful! I mean, Vermont in the fall?! Just a generic visit IMO. Also, let’s stop talking about maple syrup.

Ariel’s visit was very Ariel led. Loved her family - her brother wasn’t messing around. Zach REALLY out of his element with them. I think he is enamored with her but I don’t think he will chose her for many reasons - she’s a special woman.

Charity seemed so excited for their visit but as usual a little on edge. Her family seemed very welcoming. But of course, we see her go at the end of the show. I think Zach would treasure her as a friend but not a wife.

And then Kaity…I kind of like that they literally went to her place! She kind of leads the relationship in terms of conversation and stuff…but he seems to let her and be ok with that. Unlike with some of the other women. Her mom was great and I think Zach was most comfortable with them.

Ohhhhh looks like fantasy suites gets INTERESTING…he falls off the “no sex” wagon perhaps???

Women tell all, tonight!

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Last night’s hometowns episode…Charity cried too much, and I have a theory that a woman (or man) that cries a lot while talking about their relationship is crying second thoughts…so there’s that. I expected her to be eliminated last week.

Gabi - sweet girl…but that’s it…girl. Something very immature about her emerged last night, which I can’t put my finger on, and I think she’s not going to be chosen.

Ariel - I enjoy her…a lot. I think she’s actually one to watch, and I hope he doesn’t choose her because they wouldn’t last - she’s far more advanced on every level than he is. Loved her hometown, and her family. I still like her best, and in a way I would love for her to be the next Bachelorette.

Kaity - what a sweetheart (on camera anyway) - LOVED the hometown date, and it all felt so normal. I got distracted when her mom came into the picture, so I need to go back and rewatch…but now I’m rooting for Kaity, and if it is her, I really hope it’s a long lasting relationship.


Same here-rooting for Kaity and Zach. And I think Ariel would be a very interesting Bachelorette .


Agree on all that! Especially the Ariel part!


I’m just back to say I rewatched Kaity’s hometown and I have to say, her having him help her move in to her new place might very well be the actual best date ever. I mean, it’s real. It’s normal. It’s what people do. There were fast food taco boxes on the floor in the living room. It was just normal.

Kaity for the win.


I was surprised at the accents of Gabbi’s family. They sounded more mid-western to me than ‘Vermont’.

I didn’t get Ariel’s brother grilling him about her birthday or middle name. It’s not like he wouldn’t learn those things, or that it would really matter if her birthday was May 2 or Oct 15. To me it would be more important to know what her career aspirations were or if she didn’t want to live in Austin (or he didn’t want to live in NYC)

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I would bet that scene was edited and that’s what they chose to keep. Zach was so awkward in that conversation that I’m guessing there was more weighted issues the brother brought up (maybe religion or politics?) in addition to middle name and birthday but that’s what the show chose to highlight cause that is cheesy just like the show!

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For the record, it’s August 24 and Lana. :grin:

And I get that the Bachelor is different, but that is something I knew about anyone I’ve seriously dated. :man_shrugging:

I still can’t get over how in this season no one is really using the word “in love”. I mean, I totally can’t imagine myself using it after such limited time with someone but per Bachelor Nation, it is often been floated around in a few passionate situations by now!

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Surprised the new Bachelorette has been revealed already.


I only watched part of last night’s “tell all” …but I had heard the spoilers of the new Bachelorette.
Spoilers below (I mean, it’s out now and on Good Morning America this morning!) if you don’t want to know…

I’m pretty neutral about Charity. She did seem a little more animated last night, a little looser…she has always seemed so perfect, every hair in place, like a china doll to me and we have not seen a lot of personality. After a “yawn” Zach it might have been more fun to have someone with more spunk like Brooklyn.


I loved how they wanted us to believe it was a surprise for her to be chosen the next Bachelorette, and yet, there were pre-taped items interspersed throughout the live “reveal” - I suppose they could have had several of the women record similar things but editing in the middle of a “live” reveal is next to impossible.

I didn’t care for her, I think (as mentioned above) she’s too “perfect” quite Barbie doll actually. But of course I’ll watch.

I’m just okay about Charity but will probably watch. At least at first to see who the contestants are and to see how she does as the Bachelorette. Ariel is definitely more intriguing to me but maybe Charity will surprise us!


Ariel would have been amazing to watch as a Bachelorette - she’s smart and mature with a real playful side.

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She is also too cool for the show! :wink:

Maybe they could never do this, but if her Judaism is really important in a partner, I actually think it would be interested to see a season where she was the Bachelorette and all the guy contestants were Jewish as well.