Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

Is this still a thing?

I watch these episodes on fast forward in about 10 minutes, so I’m sure I miss a lot. But I always wondered what Ariel was all about, and why Zach kept offering her a rose. She just seemed like a sideshow. But seeing her in her element in NYC was impressive. She seems like a catch.

Charity also seems like a catch, but I didn’t sense any chemistry between Zach and her family.

I wonder if picking Kaity, possibly due to convenience of living in the same town will play out like Travis and his pick did in Nashville.

Belief system, whether it be religious or political or something else, is important to many couples. It is especially important if a couple plans on having children.

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Do you mean is it still a thing that you want your partner to be of similar religious/spiritual beliefs and/or that they accept yours?

Not everyone of course, but I think yes, it can still be a thing. And it has been Ariel who has brought up the fact that she is Jewish many times throughout the season.

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I obviously missed this. :grimacing:

Her family are Ukrainian Jewish refugees and her Judaism is very important to her.

"When someone enters my family or enters my life, they need to know how important it is for me to be proud of my Judaism, to be proud of my family and to be proud of where I come from,” Ariel said on the show.


Zach claimed earlier he was not into "unnecessary drama " So much for not creating it himself!

I still wish Ariel was the next Bachelorette. Who knows how the producers decide on it and maybe Ariel wasn’t even interested . It’s a crazy process and for some that go through it, once may be enough!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
Ariel is gorgeous
Ariel is too EVERYTHING for this show!

What a mess. Basically Zach nearly did what happened to him with Rachel last season to Katie this season. Like what was she suppose to do hearing that sh#+%t In the middle of the rain forest in a thunderstorm! Weirdest scene ever!

This has nothing to do with Gabi and her anxiety but she seems SO young to me. This is not Cinderella this is (basically) real life! I did t even think their date went all that well - Ariel’s certainly was better.

I still think in the end he chooses Kaity.

I thought the date with Ariel seemed great. The date with Kaity, another story. What was she supposed to do with that information? Agree, weird.

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The 29 contestants for Charity’s season have already been announced.

I was at a game and missed tonight’s episode. He slept with Gabi but not Kaity? And told Kaity?

He was “intimate” with someone, despite saying beforehand he was not going to do that.

It was a mess, and created unnecessary drama , which he had also claimed beforehand he did not want!


Yes, he was with Gabi and then felt he had to confess to Kaity what he had done. Not exactly the best way to start off a date!

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Any idea whether he slept with Kaity?

Zach’s plan for the fantasy suites was what any decent guy would do, IMO. But Ariel and Gabi seemed to disagree with that plan, so I lost a little respect for them, and gained respect for Kaity, who seemed to agree with the plan. Kaity should have told Zach where to stuff the rose he offered her.


They actually didn’t show the morning after of Kaity’s date where we might get an inkling if they did. Although with what they showed of him and Gabi in the morning didn’t really give the fact that they had sex away - it was his requested chat with Jesse.

But I’m guessing since Kaity said to Gabi at the rose ceremony that “she was the one” (he slept with) I’m guessing he and Kaity did not have sex. Honestly while I think Kaity did move on enough to have the fantasy suite with Zach I don’t know that after seeing how he was apparently wrecked with guilt or whatever, I don’t know that she would have had sex if he offered!

I sort of love your last sentence. :slight_smile:

Why do you say that about Ariel - she didn’t have sex with him? Or is it because when he told her she acted a bit surprised?

And also why rag on the girl(s) for what happened? It takes two to tango!!! Maybe Gabi took some convincing to actually have sex after his dinner presentation on “no sex”.

For context, I think the whole idea of an artificial deadline for engagement (the final episode of the show), and the constant “rush” to do everything that needs to be done prior to an engagement is ridiculous. It forces this nonsensical (but great for TV!) drama about the fantasy suite and its purpose. Just use the show to find a girlfriend.

Call me old fashioned, but being intimate with more than one person at a time is silly, and the only person in a position to do that was Zach, so while he planned to do the right thing IMO, my criticism is on him for failing to follow through. Kaity’s raw emotion in her response said it all—she felt that Zach’s intimacy with another woman meant that he had made his choice. And then Zach proceeded to lay a guilt trip on Kaity, and apologize, and generally show total disrespect for her feelings.

Ariel and Kaity would be better off with someone else. Ariel was sent packing, and Kaity should have thrown the rose in his face, leaving him with the girl he made the choice about.

Yes, and I think she is the one that said she wouldn’t want to get engaged to someone she hadn’t been intimate with.

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Totally agree that the premise of the show, to end up in engagement needs to go by the wayside…just give a promise ring or something - lol!!!

The ship long ago sailed on this show of putting off intimacy so I just kind of accept that no matter what my personal beliefs might be.

The whole scenario for Kaity was SO terrible…that he brought his baggage to their date, that the stage was sitting in a soggy creek with feet in the water, mosquitos/flies battering them, thunder and rain - my gosh, what a miserable scenario even before his words!!!

I’m sort of a newbie Bachelor franchise watcher - like the last 5 seasons or so. I often wonder how much is staged or “acting”. I mean, how many “hot mess” scenarios naturally happen like happen on this show!

I wish we didn’t have a week between last night and final rose. Wish they would just air it tonight - the night after that fiasco - and wrap it all up for us!


Yes! LOL The whole show is a hot mess. But I watch on fast forward, only stopping for one-on-one conversations on the dinner dates to get a sense for who the people are. TLC used to have a show called Dating Story that was a half hour dedicated to two people going on a date. That is my style of show, but if you want to watch a dating show now, your only option is Bachelor trash.

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I still wonder why Ariel got sent home, when everything appeared to go well. Did he blame her for luring him into having sex and the ensuing problems? He also must believe the women would talk after their dates. At this point in the show, I thought they were separated from each other. If you were Zach, what order would you arrange these dates? Would you start with the one you liked most or least?

Ariel didn’t have sex with him…it was Gabi. Am I missing something that Ariel did???

My theory: Zach realized that Ariel was out of his league. LOL. :slight_smile: