Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

If Rachel gives Meatball a rose after he initially rejected her,because he says he’s into Gabby, I will be disappointed. All of a sudden , he professes he’s into her ? And after he’d be gone from the show completely because he didn’t get a rose from Gabby. Crazy. He just wants to stay on the show and not get kicked out. Why I watch this nonsense is beyond me! :smile:


Do you think Gabby asked the guys who they preferred? It is too much of a coincidence that 3 guys told her they liked Rachel more than her. Also, that would explain why she kept smiling after they told her how they felt and why none of her roses were rejected. She’s not “rough around the edges”, but I think she can be blunt.


I’m not a fan. “Hi Mom and Dad…I met this guy I’m in love with, but he’s sleeping with 5 other women and not sure who he wants yet…but I KNOW he’s going to pick ME!” I would think there’s higher quality men out there.

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…and women

It’s a game show - and that’s it. Really. A different one than Jeopardy or Card Sharks for sure but in “reality” that’s all it is.

What is interesting about the game show is that a few (very few) have actually found a mate.

Personally I wouldn’t want “my daughter” to participate on this kind of game show but there are a lot of “attention wh***s” (I censored myself) out there with mommies and daddies who support that oddity. And this season we’ve got a grandpa supporting it. Go figure.

I’m still watching. I like some game shows.

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A lot is editing. I think they told the men early that they would be asked to make a choice. They may have even asked the guys to tell the women why they were making that choice. They are looking for footage and drama and tears so anything that can bring that on is a win for the producers. Last week they showed people rejecting Rachel and her doubting herself. This week, they focused on Gabby.

In this episode, Gabby said that she is broken, messy, complicated, different. She has her guards up and is afraid. She said she is not polished and doesn’t want to mess things up. I felt that those self described attributes are why they included Hayden’s quote about Gabby being “rough around the edges” and that his morals aligned more with Rachel. This episode focused on Gabby’s insecurities and they I think they used those comments to make us feel bad for her. In the end, it will make the audience feel better about the person she chooses.


Finally got to watch as I was out of town last week.

I’m a little surprise that all the comments above are about the rose ceremony and until the post above me, NOT about Gabby and her struggles with not being loved by her mother and not feeling she could be loved. Heartbreaking! I think Gabby is actually as fragile as she is strong.

Some people just really, really, REALLY feel emotions. Two of my kids are that way. It’s a blessing and a curse.

I have to comment on Gabby’s one on one with Eric. Anyone else feel (even though he “sided” with her at the end) that he didn’t seem emotionally attached? From a couple comments he made to being pretty awkward on that date with her grandpa (one of the most easy going people around) to the way he sat at that table with his wine and to me, seemed disconnected with what was going on. I’m not a fan.

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I actually was moved to tears when Gabby talked about her mother - and rewatched her date with Eric - I saw/felt his disconnect as well. His affect was off. It was very uncomfortable for me. I think he’s got some demons like she does and needs to release them. I don’t think Eric will last.

I’ve often thought the strongest women I know (including those in my family) have had very disconnected relationships with their parents (myself included) - I’ve actively worked hard to break that link in my family, as have 2 of my aunts. We all talk about it openly which helps.

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I got the impression that Erich was sitting there for a long time waiting for Gabby. Since Jordan was sent home by Rachel on their first date, I think Erich was worried he would be sent home as well.

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I think because Gabby is local, our paper has a review of the Monday show on Thursday. It’s kind of interesting to read it AFTER I’ve read all the posts here (because of course CCers watch carefully and catch everything).

According to the article this week, Gabby has 9 guys left and Rachel 6. It looked like on the previews that Rachel had more than that so maybe she does let Meatball back in (and maybe the reporter counted incorrectly). For each, that’s fewer than they usually have at week 4/5, but I think it is a little more manageable. I don’t really like the group dates when they have 15 guys to one girl.

I thought Rachel had 8 and then possibly adds Meatball to make it even. I read that most of the season is on a cruise ship. That’s a creative use of ships that are sitting around waiting for passengers. Plenty of rooms for cast and crew.


I’m guessing he was sitting awhile. But still, I felt like he was not very sincerely empathetic to Gabby when she returned. He might have said the right words but the emotion didn’t seem to be there. I’ll admit he has seemed like a bit of a player since the beginning for me so I wasn’t a fan to begin with.

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What are the rules for spoilers on this thread? Can we spoil an episode but not the season? For example, can we talk about which people from this season were cast on BIP and, therefore, don’t make it to the end?

I think the spoilers for this season should be off limits. If users want the spoilers, they are easily found (cough Reality Steve cough). Speculation based on promos is fine.

For BIP, rumored casting is fine, except for the men still participating on the current season.


I definitely wouldn’t want someone to reveal here who got (or didn’t get)a rose on a specific night before an individual episode had even been aired yet on network TV. After airing, I think it’s fair game and you just don’t look here if you haven’t watched an episode yet and don’t want to know in advance.

BIP rumors I don’t care about. The ones I’ve seen are guys that I think have already been eliminated?


My vote: Please don’t - that’s too much of a spoiler - since that show won’t air for a few months -


I’m fine with it for BIP if they’ve already been eliminated from the Bachelorette.

My vote is no BIP info.


Except if we don’t know yet that they’ve been eliminated - that’s too much of a spoiler!

But, wouldn’t you know they have been eliminated if you are checking in here after an individual episode had aired?


This is what I posted earlier in the thread (as the OP). Once an episode airs - no matter the time zone - expect their could be EPISODE spoilers - I feel like people can seek out any other spoilers if they desire. I desire no season spoilers.

(I’ve actually never watched BIP)