Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

The rose ceremony and ‘rules’ seemed poorly thought out. You could overhear Rachel saying afterwards something like ‘we gave all the power (control?) back to the guys. I get wanting the guys to choose a lane but still brutal.

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I didn’t quite catch it, but did Racheal chose at the end the guy who told gabby he was on team Racheal the night before? it would have been a sure thing for her after those rejections. AND, did gabby chose any of the guys who turned down Racheal? (obviously didn’t watch it too carefully!)

it makes sense to do it this way; takes the competition out hopefully between the girls. …two separate stories going on. but it was pretty harsh on them getting there.

Rachel chose Hayden, the one who was one of my favorites until he told Gabby she was “rough around the edges.” What. An. Ass. They make it look like she might take Meatball. I don’t think Gabby chose a guy who turned down Rachel.

I knew at some point that they would have to get the guys to commit, but that was a pretty short runway. Up until then, I assume the instruction was to keep their options open. It seems like they should have told the guys after the previous rose ceremony what would be up and that they need to declare their intentions … but that would mean it wouldn’t be “the most dramatic rose ceremony ever.” :rofl:


Until the next one. :rofl:

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yeah poor meatball didn’t get a chance to connect with either very much.
but I think he had as much a chance as a bat out of heel. (get it?!)

Honestly, if it were me, Meatball would have been gone after covering himself with sauce. Yuck


Agree. Gross. And Hayden also would have been gone after telling Gabby she was rough around the edges. What would possess someone to say something so hurtful to her. And I think Rachel knew he said that to Gabby (?), but still gave Hayden a rose.


On another topic, am I the only one getting Michael B. Jordan vibes from Nate?



I think she gave it to him cuz she knew he was a sure thing, and wouldn’t be turned down. her needs at that moment outweighed the feelings of her friend. This is all so crazy.

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Gabby definitely knew; Rachel told her on-screen

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I have always loved Michael B. Jordan, going back to his days as Reggie on AMC.

Did the guys not figure out that the girls had divvied them up and if Rachel offered a Rose that Gabby was not going to? If they said no to Rachel, they were gone?

Maybe the first guy didn’t know, but after that, should have figured it out. Look up and count the roses, guys. Those that rejected Rachel were all still standing there waiting for Gabby and nothing happened.


I think the girls knew who they were going to offer roses to before the rose ceremony started. They probably worked out the lists together so there would be no overlap. When some of the guys rejected Rachel they really had no chance unless Gabby wanted to change her list on the fly which is unlikely if they had already divied the men up before hand.

Meatball was pleading to be reconsidered. They will probably let her take him back, as, by my count, she is down two men.

I posted earlier about the quality of men this season. There are very few contenders, IMHO.

I believe she is down by one. But TBH, I had to bring out the whiteboard to follow along with the convoluted math. :rofl:

Reality Steve posted an episode recap today, and has each gal with 9 suitors left.

Edited to remove the 18 names in case all haven’t seen this week’s episode.

For those of you not familiar with Reality Steve do not go to his website (SPOILER ALERT)

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I was only counting boutonnieres on lapels at the conclusion of the episode. So not counting Meatball, since that is technically an unresolved cliffhanger. But I agree, it seems that he’ll be back.

I also think that was a gamble by production to include that scene post-credits, as I don’t know everyone watches them. I generally don’t.

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I agree and only watched because I was given a heads up.

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Huh. I thought Rachel had eight. :woman_shrugging:t4:

She did have 8 as of the closing credits, The 9th, according to spoilers, was given to the guy in the post-credits scene.