Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

The women do seem somewhat dramatic. And keeping someone like Logan around is mind boggling, at least to me. Can’t figure out what he has that was so intriguing to both of them. But the producers may be having more fun than usual with this one. I’m going to watch until the end on this season but the people involved in general are not particularly interesting at this point .


I agree the guys don’t seem that interesting. I’m having trouble telling many of them apart. They all seem the same. The only guy I really like is Nate.


I still have about 45 mins to go in last nights episode that I’ll finish tonight but unless something happens towards the end it was Rachel that seemed to be so dramatic and well, a downer a bit - I mean I get her circumstance but…I find myself thinking “when will we get back to Gabby” when I’m watching the Rachel sections. Gabby at least seemed to be having some fun last night. Her date with Johnny (who I find to be AWKWARD and unmemorable) and the whipped cream stunt on her group date. I think Gabby could party with the best of them. :wink:

Rachel mentioned at one point “it’s only 2 weeks until hometowns” - yikes. Again, I know I have to finish last night but Gabby seems to have a lot of guys left! I’m assuming maybe hometowns will be 2 nights worth - one night per girl.

I had to fast forward before I gagged. If someone did that in a date with me, that would have been the end of the date.

I’m so glad I’m not a contestant this season, because I would have eliminated myself night one.


Ooooh, windmills. :joy:


yes, i was just thinking that last night. how the bachelor/ette always gets to drop someone without regards to that person’s feelings; yet it seems so dramatic when someone wants to leave (or in this case change to gabby’s side). I’ve always wondered why more people dont leave during the season when they realize they might not really like the person they are trying to pursue.


it makes no sense to me why Rachel keeps cutting down the cocktail hours or ending group dates. If she wants to get to know these guys better, wouldnt she want to spending all her time with them? OK: in all honesty, my 26 yr old self would be a hot mess if guys kept leaving; it’s so against the expectations of the show. although a reality show this really isnt real life. I hope she comes out of this unscathed.


I agree. Like delay the group date for an hour or two so the tears and red eyes can dry up but a consolation prize of an hour in the evening together is not the same!

The whipped cream was the highlight of the night! :slight_smile:

There was one time I was LOL’ing because I think it was Rachel and her one one one date were trying to walk and kiss at the same time and I swear they both looked like they were going to fall over or bump foreheads or something - it was so awkward!!!

There seem to be more awkward moments in general this season. I actually found the whipped cream thing pretty strange.


I just think so much of what we actually see has been edited to get the viewers coming back so I have a hard time saying someone isn’t ‘interesting’ because what do we really know? We are shown what the producers want us to see and the more drama the better in a producer’s eyes. So, regarding Rachel they are showing us the tears, her talking about how she is feeling more than anything else - I always feel like we’re being set up - in the end she’ll probably be the one that finds love.
I agree w/what someone said upthread that in the past I often thought why have more people not walked out? In this case, with another woman to choose they have an option.


You always hear leads saying that they want to make sure that contestants are “there for the right reason.” Many (most?) contestants are on the show for publicity reasons and to boost their social media rankings. There have been references to people owning businesses that they want to promote, some want to be cast as the bachelor/bachelorette. Some want to get into acting or just want the free vacation. They spend more time with each other than with the lead so, they may just wait it out and put up with goofy dates so that they can go back to hanging out with each other.


I got Covid on vacation and don’t have the bandwidth to keep track of this show now that I’ve missed two weeks. I went to the spoilers site. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I wonder how much of what we see is due to production. I don’t mean editing, but rather is there somewhere there suggesting to Gabby that she put her head under the whipped cream machine, for example. I wonder if most of these moments that we see are really manufactured and not something the leads or contestants would ever do on their own without prompting.

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Ummm, yes. :grin:


How about making sure women can “cry on demand”? I really don’t think these women are as emotional as they are portraying.

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Did anyone else notice how tan Rachel’s hand was compared to Logan’s? Not sure if she was spending time by the pool or if it was a spray tan.


With all the skin showing in front and back and legs I think I’d opt for a spray tan!

But she doesn’t seem that tan in other footage - probably just the way the camera shot

The latter. And a bad one at that.

Yes! So MANY awkward moments! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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LOL YES!!! It was cracking me up how tan she looked! :tangerine:

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