Trash TV - The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor In Paradise

As someone who’s watched off and on since the beginning, I was thinking after last night’s latest cry-stallment that there may be something generational going on with the ladies.

In the beginning it was pretty fun to watch because they were having fun, but that was almost 20 years ago. Yes social media and self promotion and all that is playing into it now, but I was wondering if girls like Trista, Jojo, or Deanna would have kept falling apart with the same setbacks?

Is it that this generation of women are different, or the way the select them? The editing or the circumstances? Certainly this era of dating is different than when I was doing it in the 80’s/90’s…makes me wonder…


Truly a terrible episode in my eyes, from the whipped cream machine all the way to the overly tanned and overly emotional Rachel who didn’t even give “her guys” a consolation date.

Really the worst season so far. I hate to say it but I think the franchise has jumped the shark. This is the first season of many that I’ve watched where I truly can only name one of the guys. Nate. That’s it. :frowning:

Yes, I’ll keep watching but am not rooting for anyone.

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I am a more recent watcher of this series (Bachelor/Bachelorette) - probably been watching for a couple of years now, so I did not see earlier seasons that may have seemed more legit - I’m ok with that! But maybe because of that, I don’t take any of it too seriously.

OF COURSE, the episode goal is drama!
OF COURSE, there will be tears and heartache!
OF COURSE, it doesn’t reflect real life because how many of us have a line up of guys/girls to pick and choose from and actually trial run!

People certainly go on the show for many reasons. Heck, I can look at a couple of these guys and think “wow, even if you don’t win you are definitely going to get scooped up for modeling gigs” (Aven)

It’s corny, it’s unrealistic, it often - most times - does not end in true lasting love. So be it!

I said early on that I thought the “woe is me” Rachel situation might be pointing to that she IS the one who finds someone to get engaged to by the end of the season. We will see!

And I’m gonna give Gabby some credit and recognition for not being as weepy and overly serious and seemingly to have some fun with the season.

And to be honest, if the opportunity presented itself and no one was looking and it wasn’t unsanitary, I’d TOTALLY go for that mouth full of whipped cream from a machine!!

The way the cancelled date played out was weird. While Jesse was talking to Rachel on the cruise ship, the guys were just wandering around town looking for her? Suddenly, Jesse finds them on the streets and tells them the date is cancelled. How long were they out there looking for her? I wonder if there is some sort of agreement that they need to show a certain amount of footage of the town in order to film there.

I watched the rest of the episode last night and Gabby’s hands were just as orange as Rachel’s. Gabby’s palms were orange which makes me wonder if they used some sort of tanning lotion without gloves.

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Yeah, I was watching them walking around, wondering where she was and I was thinking they need to just forget about it, enjoy Bruges, and just find a good place to have some good Belgian ale! And have some fun together.


Ah yes, for sure, but this season it actually started on night one, and has yet to let up. I can’t think of another season I’ve watched in all the series where that happened. There simply is so little joy this season.


I’m finally watching an episode live. Wow!!

Putting aside the Nate news that surfaced last week (some past dating issues) I was shocked and saddened to see him leave. It was like sending your best friend out of your friend group and settling for your half best friends. :frowning: I think Gabby was genuinely broken about it. Maybe a combo of broken to have to let him go and broken to admit to herself being broken over her own mother relationship. I have to say I feel like her guys now are the “leftovers”.

BUT the one guy she has that I’m really warming up to for her is Johnny. Didn’t care for him at first but as time goes along he seems less uptight than Eric and Jason - he may be a little quirky which could go with her quirky.

Rachel for me is SO vanilla. I guess she is typical Bachelorette but her segments seem boring… Tino is seeming more and more like an a_s to me. He has glimpses of being a little possessive or controlling. Also his kissing is awkwardly aggressive!!


I wish gabby had met Nate’s daughter. Why couldn’t they bring her on board?

On board the ship?? She wouldn’t have been on that trip at all.

Gabby was figuring she would meet the daughter at hometowns - which start next week. She probably knew she couldn’t move forward and involve family if she truly was so uncomfortable with being a stepmother or even dating Nate and getting involved with his daughter. Especially after being dumped by HER mother, Gabby probably didn’t want to get attached or have this little girl attach to her if it wasn’t a forever situation.

Thing is, the whole idea of having a family - meaning being parents and a mother - is going to be a conversation she will likely have with ANY of these guys. Does Eric, Johnny or Jason want a family? Will they be uncomfortable getting engaged to a woman who doesn’t know if she can mother?

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The Nate situation aside (and we don’t know the whole story), Gabby expressed reservations about being a mother at all, not just a step-mother. Being unsure is fine. Being unsure while stringing along a dozen guys looking for a wife? Not so fine IMO.

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I can’t imagine bringing a kid into that situation. It’s troublesome enough (meeting someone the parent has been dating for a month, and not in an exclusive relationship) during hometowns, IMO. Any TV appearance would also require the other bio parent’s permission.

I agree, will be interesting if the remaining guys speak about this with Gabby.

Johnny and Logan’s real-time discussion surmising about the Gabby/Nate date was eerily accurate.


I sort of wondered if that conversation was planted/staged. It sort of didn’t seem like a natural serve and return conversation.

Absolutely we don’t know the whole Nate situation (will he be allowed to talk publicly now that he is “off” the show??)

I mean, maybe not all the guys are interested in having a family. But surely that conversation should be talked about. Knowing the success rate of this show to result in marriage (low), maybe it’s not a deal breaker for dating for some guys. A wife doesn’t always mean mother as well.

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Did I miss these words or did Jessie never really tell the guys (that we saw) that Logan had COVID? I thought it was weird that I didn’t hear him say “Logan tested positive for COVID” just “Logan won’t be here today” or something like that.

Also, if he is not going to be on the show any longer, why didn’t we see a scene of him leaving or being told he has to leave. I swear we saw previews of Jessie telling him “you’ll need to leave”.

Which is fine if they cast accordingly. But if some know they definitely want kids, casting them wastes everyone’s time.

I was wondering this too. I definitely saw previews of Jesse telling Logan he needs to leave.

I assume Jesse couldn’t tell the guys about covid for privacy reasons? But then being ok to tell Gabby wouldn’t make sense, or telling the viewers last night…but maybe Logan had to sign a specific release to disclose health info at some point?

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Interesting that he got COVID - I would think his chances of getting it and not the others getting it would be slim. I mean, they are either together or at the same places. There has even been discussion about if the guys are sharing rooms on the boat - when in hotels I think they typically do - the dish I heard was that YES they are sharing rooms on the boat.


Hated the “torture chamber” group date. Which guy admitted to sleeping with over 20 women? Was it Eric? I would have sent him home. My fondness for Gabby is waning.

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That was Johnny but I didn’t see him as really admitting it…he just didn’t deny it…