So i took alg 2/trig junior year(1 level behind in math) and i got an A first semester but come 2nd i got a C.My teacher signed me up for pre cal after 1st semester ended but i asked him to change my schedule to trig a few days before school ended.Did i make a mistake taking trig senior year?Most people in the california district fail pre cal and THERE IS NO SUMMER SCHOOL make up for pre cal.Applying to a uc or csu will my trig be an issue since i never took pre cal
Does the math you have make you ready for calculus? If not, you may have to take remedial math in college before taking calculus, if needed for your major.
Minimum requirements for the CSU/UC’s in Math are Algebra, Geometry, Algebra2/Trig. For the UC’s and the competitive CSU’s, you will be at an disadvantage since most applicants will have completed at the minumum Pre-Calc. Much will also depend upon your intended major.
The trig course is for the whole year and it really does help,most students who took it found it easier to take pre cal(i mean for our school) and how crucial will the pre cal senior year be then trig senior year in college admissions
Since you have taken alg2/trig Junior year why are taking trig again Senior year? Yes it will put you at a disadvantage if you apply to the UC’s but it will also depend upon major and what math is required for that major. For the competitive CSU’s, again you will be at a disadvantage. I still do not understand how you can retake the class if you already passed Junior year. What is the normal math sequence for our school?
Is this the sequence? Where does 1 year of trig fit in?
9th: Algebra
10th: Geometry
11th: Alg2/Trig
12th: Pre-Calc
The pre cal syllabus for our district was changed recently 2015-2016 and u now need a b (BOTH semesters) to take pre cal ,the norm was a C for the past years but so many people were failing so i didnt really have a choice and based on what my counselor,i wasnt given much choice so i signed up for trig
however if u took alg 2(without the trig portion) at our school,then take intro or business math junior year they will sign you for pre cal even if u skipped trig and the same applies if u faield trig they still pass u onto pre cal