
<p>I've never taken any Trig classes or classes with trig until now. </p>

<p>I'm taking CALC 1 now and I'm doing well.</p>

<p>My question is does Calc 2, vector calc, linear alg involve alot of trig..
calc 2 especially?</p>

<p>Physics does involve alot of trig right?</p>

<p>Im trying to decide if i should take trig this summer....;</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>For me, most of trig was covered in Algebra II and Geometry, so I never took "trig," per se. I would imagine that if you have a good understanding of geometry and higher algebra, if you're doing well in calculus, and if you understand what I mean when I say "SOH CAH TOA," then you're gonna be okay.</p>

<p>If you took Pre-Calc/Math Analysis and Geometry, you don't need trig; it's not really a standard math class. In Calc II, trig will only come up occasionally when you're dealing with derivatives and integrals. Physics is very trig-heavy, so you will want to make sure you have a good background in Trig.</p>

<p>If you took Algebra II and Trig, do you need to take Precalc before Calc? </p>

<p>What topics are important to know from "precalc"?</p>

<p>Trig is pretty important but as long as you know how to use sin, cos, tan forwards and backwards you should be fine. It's all whether or not you can solve a triangle.</p>

<p>In precalc, what is most important (for Calc) is the Unit Circle (degrees/radians and such); basically, the trig values.</p>

<p>linear algebra involves linear functions, which the sine function is not</p>

<p>i skipped precalc 2 which is a prereq for calc 1 at my school... im goin take pre calc 2(trig) in a six week summer session judging by what you guys have told me... i have to take phys 1 and 2
so far in calc one all i have had to do is memorize the derivatives of trig functions not hard at all , but ABARR i have no idea what your talking</p>

<p>thank you,</p>