Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

How do you know if you were offered TTP, what does it look like in the letter?

It would pretty clearly say it at the bottom of the letter

In the admission decision, it says that you are invited to a Trojan Transfer meeting.

As the others stated it clearly shows on your decision letter. If you are thinking to transfer even if you did not get the TTP I would encourage you to do so. Our oldest transferred 2 years ago without the TTP offer, with 30+ credits at CC, one B on the transcript the rest all As, received SGR, accepted mid July.

How is the Trojan Transfer Plan different/the same as the Viterbi Pathways Program?

I’m not sure

Could you please explain how I could take summer classes for CC this summer without talking to my counselor since the meeting will be held in June? Which classes I should knock out and that transfer, thanks.

You can find classes through USC/community college articulation agreement. You can take some general education classes.

Did anyone get decision yet?

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Is the ttp the same thing as spring admit?

No, TTP is not the same as Spring Admit. TTP is Trojan Transfer Plan which it is offered mostly to legacy applicants sometimes it is offered to non legacy applicants as well. When offered you can apply to transfer for next academic year, you have an admission counselor assigned to you that you can meet to discus plans, classes, GPA needed to increase your chances of transferring when and if you decide to go the transfer route. Even if you do not get the TTP you still can go the transfer route if USC is your dream school. Good Luck!

Here’s a couple of good articles discussing TTP:

Hi! I am a current high school senior and am wondering if it would be smart to do something similar to your son. I plan on attending UC Davis this year, but am worried about maintaining the 3.8 GPA to stay competitive as a transfer to the Marshall school of business. Would I be able to take CC classes this summer to help with my load in the fall? Thank you and thank you to @CADREAMIN and all the others who have been so helpful.

Isn’t it a 3.6 gpa you need to transfer? Or for Marshall do you need a 3.8?

The 3.6 is the minimum but from what I have gathered from talking to past students and this post by CADREAMIN (the 9th post in the thread since I am not able to post a link), a GPA around 3.8 would be suggested for a competitive school like Marshall. I could be wrong though, that is just my conclusion.

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Yes, you can take classes at a cc this summer to get a start on classes and gpa. The 3.7/3.8 has been the average gpa for those trying to internally transfer to Marshall, but keeping it in that range would always help your chances as TTP/transfer. I assume you are TTP? If so, there will be a little cushion with the gpa like 3.6, but also taking the correct pre-reqs will be key.

  • WRIT 150 (English Composition 2, also a University requirement)
  • MATH 118 or MATH 125 (Calculus)

The following suggested transferable courses are optional (not all courses taken elsewhere will transfer to USC). Completion will advance University matriculation.

  • Accounting 1 and Accounting 2 (Transferable accounting sequence will replace one business core accounting class)
  • (BUAD 280 and 281 are replaced with BUAD 305)
  • General Education Categories

There is full info on the link below and your advisor will give you more info in the June meeting. This info relates to both TTP and regular transfers.


Thank you so much! I am indeed a TTP student. Essentially, the TTP is just a transfer plan but with additional benefits like a USC counselor and a soft guarantee by meeting certain criteria correct?

I plan on deciding on what school I want to attend with the plan of transferring to USC in one year. This means I can theoretically plan out my year prior to meeting the counsellor in June, correct?

Yes and you should. The more you have laid out in terms of plans and classes at the meeting, they more specifically they can advise you, rather than walking in asking, “What do I do?” In which case you will get an overview of the program that you can find online. Meetings are short, make them efficient…go ahead and have a course plan for summer/fall/spring and for the summer, I would suggest a class certain to transfer that may be a time drain in a regular semester/quarter with other classes, you can find info by googling USC articulation agreements, but of course things like math or or their writing 140 equivalent (depending on your major) are pretty obvious straight up gonna transfer, particularly from a 4 year. I am mentioning the certain to transfer as you may have to enroll in the summer class before the meeting - but the more you get famliar with the classes at your current college and how they line up with USC, the more confident you can pick a summer class ahead of the meeting.

Also, check out the USC/Marshall transfer site, they want econs taken at USC - so pay attention to those requirements. Good luck!


Thank you! I was also wondering if AP tests counted as credit towards the TTP or if USC only want TTP students to have actual college courses.

My son got in. He is a Trojan.