Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Congrats, he was high school class of 2020?


@CADREAMIN What texas schools offer the TTP? I posted a USC chance me also and tagged you. :slight_smile: Thanks!

It sounds like you mean which Texas schools offer their own transfer plans. The TTP or Trojan Transfer Plan is specifically USC. As previously mentioned by @CADREAMIN, TTP is generally offered to high schools applicants who were reject to USC as freshmen. These high school school applicants generally have high stats and are legacies. They can also be non legacies. Since there are not enough spaces for every qualifying freshman applicants, USC likes them enough to offer them the TTP, which is a way to transfer to USC after freshman or sophomore year at a college or community college. If you mean which Texas schools has transferable courses to USC, look at USC’s articulation agreement.


I meant Texas schools that offer TTP to USC. I’m hoping to attend USC but if I get rejected, I hope to do the TTP program.

It’s not by school in any regard, an applicant that is offered TTP attends the school they choose, 2 or 4 year in any state, the only “partner” universities are abroad. There’s an overview in the first post of this thread.

Does anyone know if TTP is limited to certain majors or available to all? Interested in applying to Cinematic Arts, FTP in the fall and wondering if I have any shot with TTP (grandma is USC graduate). Because it’s a 4 year program that puts you into production courses right from the start, I’m wondering if TTP even is possible?

Hello! Wishing you all a good start to your year! My TTP daughter is enrolled in her first semester at a cc. She is in the composition equivalent to USC’s required class for transfers. But the TTP email requires - > 1. Complete two semesters of English composition, including a course equivalent to USC’s Lower Division Writing requirement. Are 2 semesters required if the one semester at her cc satisfies the requirement? She says that the articulation history has other composition classes that transfer.

hello all,

I am planning on applying to USC as a TTP applicant. I am currently a student at Boston University. And I may end the semester with one C+ in biology which would place my GPA close to a 3.6. If not the maximum GPA I would get is 3.68. Do I still have a good shot of getting in?

Yes. 3.6 is ok. Keep studying and finish math and writing requirements.

For TTP or Virterbi Pathways program applicants, do they include activities and achievements from high school on the application?

hey all,

I just wanted to know if people were able to get into USC as a TTP applicant with a 3.43 GPA with two A’s and two B’s. I am really worried I won’t get in with a 3.43

Does getting an SGR depend on the fall semester GPA alone or are there other factors? For example does having a 4.0 instead of a 3.5 give higher chances of dodging a SGR?

A few years ago, my son (who had a TTP and was a freshman at a UC) did have a SGR despite a near 4.0 GPA (3.94). USC probably wanted to see a trend of solid grades. The SGR came around the end of the Winter Quarter. He ultimately was admitted in early May that year during his Spring Quarter at the UC.

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Other factors impact an SGR, easiest to see in a couple examples…

Factors going as far back as your original application and high school file come into play. Some are admitted very close to the regular decision cycle with no SGR - say their high school transcript was 4.0+ with high level courses and their first semester at college showed the same strong record…SGR not likely. Pathways kids are on are actually pretty obvious for them.

But then take another 4.0+ high schooler that didn’t take the highest math they could or other AP classes, and still gets a 4.0 first semester of college but is missing a grade in a key science or math class (physics, calc, chem, etc) while applying to Viterbi - they may get an SGR. Their path is less clear, too much unknown, so they need the additional info an SGR provides.

Then apply those kinds of things to any transfer whether applying after first or second year (where they look at your college transcript more)…they need to see a clear path and an SGR is often needed to do that.

So there are a lot of factors that go into an SGR.

Sorry for delay, your post got buried up there a bit (I missed it). Yes, absolutely. Write a strong essay, face it head on. Is the bio grade important for your major?

Also, at the end of midterms, finals or the beginning of a new semester/quarter, email your USC counselor/advisor to show your interest in USC and to keep the counselor/advisor informed. Let the person know what classes you are taking in the new semester/quarter and the grades you are receiving.

@CADREAMIN: Your insights and advises are top notch :slight_smile:

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